Approved !


Registered Users (C)
Guys, Online status changed to Approved !

My wife's case status also says approved. Both on Jan 20th.
I was always stressed out over my wife's case because, since we applied, her lin # was never found online or on AVM.
In fact for the first six months her case status was "application returned as improperly filed". After repeated pleadings with my lawyer, the lawyer finally called INS and was told that the onliine message was a mistake. She had her one and only FP in Nov 2002.

Needles to say, i am feeling really relieved.

Hang in there old timers, new comers, one and all.
congrats ...

Jay congrats,
Have been following your odyssey on this forum. Did you contact
any Senators/Congressmen ?

Good luck for the future

RD 12/14/01
thanks starbucks, I was just getting started working with the senator's office.

I had only an initial contact with Sen Lamar Alexandar's office (TN). I had faxed one of the letters which was on this forum to his office, and had spoken to some folks at his office.

Just this Monday I got a letter from his office asking me to sign some Privacy waiver form so that they can start looking up on my case. They also had asked me to send them copies of my/wife's I485 receipts.

It's been a long wait for you ... Enjoy yourself.

I feel really happy to see some of the old buddies getting approved(which is not very often). My dates are closer to yours, so it gives me little hope that they might look into my case in some time too.
Good luck Jay - you've been one of those whose petition's been pending for a very long time.
And thanks for all the inputs you've given to everyone here, and not to forget the spiced up threads you've participated as well.

your approval is really big hope for me, I am just one month behind you
RD 11/27/01 and next week scheduled for 2nd FP.

Do I contact senetor or wait until Feb??

Jay Bhau...
Good job man......Old cases like u keep me hopefull....

RD Oct 2001
RFE FEB 2003
AD still waiting