Approved - WAC02206


Registered Users (C)

Wife, self and son (all wac-02-206) approved on 07/22/04.
Online message changed, received e-mails, waiting for snail mail.

Thanks to one and all in this forum - questions (however silly)always invariably get answered.

A number of theories - (mostly heuristic, akin to palmistry) has been offered in terms of predictability and many have borne fruit - latest e.g...2nd FP and LUD means you are close.

Wonderful work, Kashmir, 140 for ever and others (please do not be offended if i did not name names, but every1 knows the folks and their sterling efforts in providing timely information). this site by Rajiv khanna is just great.

I have been like the teeming thousands - getting tons of information here and very sporadically posting information. Like the others, i gained succor and solace while i discovered there were others like me (funny things, misery loves company, safety in numbers whatever)

Please bear with life/fate/the INS while they plod through whatever they are plodding through to get your approvals

What i don't want to do and will resist is ....just because my case is over..stop visiting this forum...will try and visit it and if possible share my experiences....participation is the only way.

Oh yes..finally, will give my 50 bucks...

warm regards,all


labor filed Nov 2000
140 approval Apr2002 (in just 6 weeks)
1st FP July 2002
2nd FP July 7 2004
LUD July 15 2004
Approval email July 22 2004
Congratulations !!

> Wonderful work, Kashmir, 140 for ever and others. this site by Rajiv khanna is just great.

My pleasure, and enjoy your freedom,

> Oh yes..finally, will give my 50 bucks...

Your name has been added to the list.