Approved: wac02-161-5xxxx on May 24 (ND 04/15/02)


Registered Users (C)
According to online status, our application was approved on May 24. I was half-hoping, half-expecting to see this approval, given a few other approvals from April 02 that were announced here recently.

Here are the details:

Category EB2
ND 04/15/2002
WAC 02-161-5xxxx
First FP 05/2002
Second FP 01/2004
No RFE, no change of jobs, no change of address.
Approved 05/24/2004
when was your case touched last time?

My case is always same time as your case, and it was touched on May 4th, 2004. Do you know when was your case touched?

Thanks and congratulate to you!