Approved (received letter)


New Member
AVM was correct.

RD: 04/13/00
ND: 05/05/00
FP: 01/23/01
LIN: 00 - 155 - xxxx
AD: 04/30/01


P.s. came to this country in 1987. Legal all thr\'. Can anybody beat
      my 14 year endeavor? currently too old to jumpstart career.

thanks myladoor -- great site.
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Well I think my Wife has beat you there:) She came here in 86, on F1, and finally hopefully before this year end , she and me will have green card.
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Congrats to \'Vikings\'. I take comfort from the fact, people, who have been here longer than 10 yrs, are still awaiting for GC. I\'m here for 10 yrs, still waiting for GC.

Congrats!!! GO VIKES
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I am here since 1983 Dec. legal all the time.VSC ND 5/00 IIO told me today i will hear the good news in a month.

BEAT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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5 case managers, 1 lawyer, 4 company name changes, 1 manager change, 1 personal address change, addition of wife and daughter

in this period ----
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Great Guys... Hang in there... you are much much better than most unfortunate US citizens who get distracted too early in life with car, walk man, dating, sex, drugs, parental insecurity and personal low paying job and start flipping burners at the tender age of 16 or so. Green Card does not mean anything more than the fact that you can continue to serve your father country US and feel rich when you visit your mother country (back home).... or that then you shall not have to smile to keep your bloodsucking sponsor company happy, you can then cry as and when you please, and if the company stops your paycheck they know that K-Mart sells guns and that they are open 24 hours...... and that the anger in your eyes say loud and clear that ... " I SHALL return ".... Well you don\'t need a green card to shop at K-Mart anyway..... is this a great country or what ..... cheer up fellows ... will you please :) Life was not meant to be spent waiting for a stupid green card.
I am giving this lecture and I myself am legally in this country since 1989 and still waiting for a green card... it sucks.....
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viking i started my BSEE in Jan 84 finished it in Aug 88. Work on PT for 1 year. Then finish MSEE in 2 yrs (91) did PT for 1 more yr and then left USA in 92 for good. But my company overseas bring me back to USA in 96 on H-1. started my GC proccess in 98 RIR and now very close in getting the GC.

All this time never out of status. Most of my friends back in school days got there GC through Amnesty and Farmers when they all lies in there applications. I guess illegal enjoy much freedom in this country then the poor guy who try to follow and respect the Law and try to stay legal.