Approved - RD Nov 9,2001


Registered Users (C)
Logged on to the INS status check as I've been doing every morning for I don't know how long and saw the same old message about "The results of your fingerprint review .....blah, blah"...... or so I thought....was so surprised to see that my case was approved on 4/28.

I've been a silent member of this forum only posting in russian or gibberish whenever somebody posted in a native language (why do people do that ?), been a little more active on the Follow To Join thread.

This used to be a really good forum, though the north-south and Indo-Pak bashing and religious fervour of some folks have made this thread less relevant.

I'll probably keep checking this forum for some time just as I've checked the Online Status Check for the 7th time today inspite of knowing that I've already been approved, before fading out.

I wish everyone the best of luck, stuff happens, don't let this or anything get you down. I also hope this forum regains its usefulness of days past.

Some details
RD 11/9/01
FP 4/24/02
AD 4/28/03
Congrats !

You also made some very good points above.

RD 11/30/02
AD 04/22/03