!!! Approved !!! (RD Nov 01)


Registered Users (C)
Approved for both (me and spouse)... what a relief.

Priority Date 08/10/2000
RD 11/06/2001
ND 11/28/2001
FP 04/02/2002
RFE 02/24/2003
RFE Response Recd by INS 03/21/2003
Approval Date 04/09/2003
Recd Courtsey copy 04/14/2003 (attorney recd 04/12/2003)

I am from SF Bay area. Will post stamping SF INS experience later.
Rupnet updated !!!

This site has been a great help, Thank you very much to Mr. Rajiv Khanna. I found lot of information, support and encouragement here throughout this GC process.

Just hang in there and Good Luck to all.


enjoy your freedom! thank you for updating rupnet. both these sites, immigrationPortal and rupnet are great services for the aspiring immigrant communities.

once again, heartiest congrats!