Approved RD: 12/13/01

EAC02070XXXX should be ND 12-26 (As per Rupnet)

Maybe INS screwed up his EAC & ND.

Anyways, this is a good sign for Dec filers.
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Most of the time person who is entering the information here or in rupnet, screwing up the dates. Most of them have entered wrong dates, and they update once they get approved or sometime they don't even do it.:mad:
EAC & ND -- a clarification

MY ND is some date i vaugely remember from my fingerprint notice. It could be wrong.

My EAC is however correct.
When posting information such as this which cause a lot of anxiety in many of us, you should be recheck and post it. Anyway verify the dates and post the details again.

Congrats on your approval!!

In same boat and waiting ..........

In same boat and waiting ..........

RD:14DEC 2001
FP: 04/28/2002
ND -- EAC # confusion

There is a confusion with your ND and EAC number. Dec. 14 corresponds to EAC-02-063-....., not 02-070-....

What's right, your ND or your EAC # ?
The change is that he EAC number is correct. He has been looking at it 10 times a day for the last two years :D

So RD is 12-13-2001 and ND is something around 23 Dec