Approved RD 11/14/01!


Registered Users (C)
Just checked the online message and it saif Approved....I had been checking all day today but the message changed may be an hour ago. Could not beleive my eyes.

Spouse is still pending...

The journey has taken a long time

RD: 11/14/01
AD: 05/27/03 (never thought I would get to write this!)

Good luck to all and have patience. I kow its easy to say but we have to rely on patience to keep from going insane!
and you just posted an earlier mail..

asking why your eac series have no movement! how amazing a few minutes can change your life. congratulations & good luck!

Thanks for the well wishes, and yes I did have an earlier post where I was inquiring about my EAC series. But a few hours later I saw the approval.........

Rupnet has been updated
Congratulations! Are you "Imad" on Rupnet? If you are, then I noticed that your FP date was 2/13/03. I'm curious, did you receive a second FP notice recently? My dates are similar to yours so I wanted to check.

I'm very happy for you! All the best!


Yes you are correct. I did not receive a second fingerprint notice even though I was expecting one. I am not quite sure what triggers the second FP for some and not for the others.

Thanks for wishing me well and I hope you get over with this ordeal soon as well.

Let me know if I can be of any help in any way.

Take care

FP: 02/13/02
Further to my earlier message, I think the reason I did not get a second FP notice is that my FP expired on May 13th. Given that I was approved on May 27th, I think my case was probably with an officer on may 13th. I had been told by an IIO that I will not be required to submit another set of FP if my case is has been assigned to an officer before the FP expiration.

It therefore seems that there is a correlation between a second FP notice and your case being assigned. I should say that if you have been sent an second FP notice your case is probably not with an officer. The FP notice is generated by (RFAC?????)system and I think when a case is assigned to an officer it is reflected in the system and the second FP notice is not generated.

This is my thought on the process. You may have better insight. Feel free to correct me...

FP: 02/13/02
AD: 05/27/03
Thanks maturaloosalan. How is your case progressing? I know you had received an RFE. Hope you get yours soon!

AD: 05/27/03