Approved on 10/6


The message changed to saying '... 30 to 90 days...'. Earlier it
was '...990 to 999 days...'. Now of course it says 'Approved on ...'

does that mean that your message never changed to "Your fingerprint details were received on..." after your fp??

also, were both your fps autogenerated or manual (you called for the fp)?
FP info did not appear in status msgs

First FP must have been automatically ordered.

Not sure about the second one. Did an IIO open the file
about two months ago and manually ordered an FP after
fnding the first one as expired? -- Not sure about this.

The status messages are not consistent and do not
properly indicate progress in the work flow processing, in my experience.
The magic lettters are in the mail today

Received the 'magic' letters inviting us for the passport stamping.
Cannot believe that we would get them to the correct address
(after several address changes) so soon after approval
( on last Monday ).

Best wishes for all of you waiting for this momentous event.
When did you message change to 30 to 90 days?

VVRAJAN, did your message change from 990 to 90 days a long time ago?? I am still desparately hoping that INS has a new system of notifying us when they finally touch our files, by changing the processing time on their web site.
No special indication about processing

The message changed along with others' saying '30 to 90 days'.
Before this message was reverted back to '990 to 990 days',
my case was approved, and message said 'This case has been approved. On.... '. There was no indication of any processing
after first FP or second FP in my messages. My wife's message
change, albeit to an abstruse verbiange indicating something
was going on. We inferred that it must have been about second
FP. My observation is that the messages are not properly updated.
When there was approval, fortunately both my and my wife's status messages changed to the same format.