Approved on 07/18 !!


Registered Users (C)
It is with great pleasure that I inform you that my citibank
credit card has been approved
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Great thread started by you. May be you can continue to post Your SEARS card approval, Your Spouse\'s maternity approval, Your lease renewal approval, Car loan approval and other vital approvals.

We are immensely benefitted by your posting.
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Wow! You have crossed a big milestone in your life. Did you talk to any representative to get the card. How was your experience with those reps. Could you please post those exp. so that we also cross the big milestone that you have just crossed.
No Title

What was the credit limit on your card buddy?
Is it about enough to pay for the green card fees?
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Please Provide details like when where limit APR and atm usage limit.
for the benefit of all of. How many times did you call the IIO (oops the bank representative).
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When are you going to go for stamping? I think Citibank doesn\'t stamp on the passport. So make sure that your butt is nice and clean to get the stamp.
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i think the readers of your mail have exhausted all the many politely possible ways of calling you names, hence let me on everyone\'s behalf call you what they are all truly calling you - an immature idiot.