Approved !! No longer a Jinxed July 01 filer ..


Registered Users (C)
My fellow Jul 01 buddies .. have faith, hope and patience (I know I was begining to lose them myself) .. you will get approved.

After 13 months of wait .. last 4 of them really gruelling, tonight I heard the magic words on the AVM .. approved today (Aug 9)

My Details

EAC - 01-250-xxxx

PD - Dec 13, 1999 (always thought that was unlucky)
RD - Jul 5, 2001
ND - Aug 20, 2001
FP - Dec 21, 2001
AD - Aug 9, 2002

No RFE, NTD, etc .. by god's grace

I called up INS a bunch of times, last about 3 weeks back when I was told, it has not even been assigned .. so its min 30-45 days away .. and see here it comes in just 3 weeks ..

My other July 01 filer office-mates got approved 3 months back .. I guess, they just moved by ND in my case

I will sleep at ease tonight

Good luck to all those waiting .. you will be through .. my best wishes

PS : Appear as "aynam" on rupnet
:) :D ;)
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question for you?


did you make any change to your application...
add name of spouse or '485 CP to AOS' change?

'485 CP to AOS' changes

No, I did not make any changes .. infact there was a time when this board was discussing that as a possible reason for delay .. so i went and checked my 140 approval .. it did not mention cp + aos.

hope this helps

..and thanks to all those congratulating me .. wish you the very best in life ...

thanks for your response...good luck!

i was wondering if adding name of spouse later is
delaying the process
I'd doubt that ...

as i see it .. its purely officer level processing that is delaying things ... when you file any changes, they all get appended to your file .. and once your file is reviewed all such documentation is reviewed together

.. you could also call up INS and see if a request for such an addition / change has been recorded in your file .. (did you get any acknowledgement from INS for this ? )