Approved!!! ND 12/12/00 - RFE Case. details inside...


Registered Users (C)
PD 10/12/99, EB2(Masters from india), RIR, India
140 approved for AOS
RD 11/23/00, ND 12/12/00
FP 5/01
RFE issued on 10/15/01, Received on 10/22/01, Replied on 10/23/01
RFE for passport copy (me and wife), last 2 years W2 and tax returns.
Provided INS tax transcripts for returns as returns were filled electronically so didn\'t had any copies.
AVM updated for RFE receipt on 11/1/01
Approved on 11/8/01 (yesterday) talked to IIO and she told me.
AVM updated today (11/9/01)

It was a pretty straight forward case. One H1 then one EAD, same company throughout. It took 2 years and one month (approx) for the whole process.

Was lucky to have a good lawyer and good (desi - but big) company who never lied to me about my fillings.

I wish to thank my lawyer, company, and everyone on this wonderful board for all their support. I will be arround to answer any questions.

Thanks Guys (specially myladoor, abci and other active participants) for sharing ur info and Rajeev Khanna for maintaining this forum.

Conratulations, and thank you for posting the details.

Its encouraging to see that the RFE cases are being approved at a fast pace as soon as VSC receives the info.

Congradulations india_485

Could you please let me know the AVM message before it can say your case has been approved.

Does it say \'We have received ur response to the RFE and it will take 385 to 540 days etc.,\' is it a standard message ?
how long normaly any RFE should takes. My spouse had an RFE, repplied on Oct 19, AVM was updated on OCt 23 as RFE receive date, I am still waiting, Could any one answer Please...

message before approval was "received RFE response on 11/1/01.......takes 365-540 days...

I don\'t know if this helped or not but I contacted my senator\'s office on monday (11/5) and the INS told them that case is with an offices with all the required documents. May be an inquiry from senators office was that last push I needed.
How to contact senetors office??

How can we find their number? is this online on Internet.
What information wehave to give so that they can help us.

Appreciate your reply.
go to and select ur state.

they normally need Case number(EAC#), A#, Name, Companies name, country etc. And a privacy release form which authorizes them to make inquiry on ur behalf. This form is on the site for individual senator. You may also open a case file from some of the senators site as I did for NC (Sen. John Edwards)