approved - LIN-02-007


Registered Users (C)
Approved as per AVM and Status Online,

Priority date - Jan 16th 2001
RD - Sep 6th 2001
ND - Oct 11th 2001
Approved date - Oct 15th 2002


No RFE's

It's sweet considering I 'm still working in a bankrupt company (WORLDCOM).

Hang on guys. the train is moving.
Good luck to Jack, Marc and everyone

Thanks to Rajiv Khanna and Greaty-K of RUPNET for their great work.

Thanks everyone. you guys are awesome.
God is great.


I am from Worldcom too with an October date. Kinda worried about this bankruptcy and have a coupla questions to be verified with you. I am from the Garden of the Gods building. Let me know your contacts and would like to talk to ya about your approval

fellowgc, no idea why the LIN#'s are different.

Nandu, u can call me at v820-7152

Thanks everyone.
There is only one explanation

The INS guy slept at work, and after s/he woke up s/he thought it were the next day:mad:
did the AVM change after FP

Can you tell what message used to play prior to the approved one and after fingerprinting?
Did the AVM change after fingerprinting for you.

For me it still sings that a FP notice was sent on blah blah date
fellowgc - My AVM message as well as online says "we received your aos application on ...... It is taking between 420 to 450 days..." It did not get updated when I receieve my FP notice nor after I did my FP. My RD is 08/15/01 and when I spoke to IIO last week, he said that it is with an officer. Well, all that I can do is to play the waiting game and just keep my frustration level as low as I can. Hang in there guys. We will all get the approvals.. all that matters is time !

my msg was not changed for finger prints. until approval, it said, "We received your application on oct 11 2001. it takes about 390-420 days.. ........"
It only changed after the approval to say it is approved.

Hi aahaa,

Congratulations and Good Luck!

When was your FP done, buddy ?

My dates are similar to you:

PD: Feb 01, 2000
RD: Sep 06, 2001
ND: Oct 10, 2001
FP: Sep 16, 2002

And waiting for approval...

fellowgc & cinci2002,

The same case with me.

The INS online says "we received your AOS application on ...... It is taking between 420 to 450 days..." And it didn't get updated when I receieve my FP notice. Neither did it after my FP.

As you say, all that we can do is to play the waiting game and just keep our frustration level low...
Hi aahaa,

And my LIN # too 02-007-XXXXX

Where are you from, I mean, the city in US ?

Please post your details on too.

Thanks, buddy!

my FP was done on 12 June 2002

'm from Cedar Rapids, Iowa

posted the details in rupnet under 'abc123'
