Approved... Chicken65 of


Congratulations and All the best. Hope to see u around until we all get approved. Cheers. Have fun....

RD 11/3/01
ND 12/6/01

We will lost the chicken that has been chased around, it was
real fun. Chicken might physically stay here but his/her
chicken mind might not exist anymore provided chicken is not
in Stock Market.

Life is short, enjoy it.
Congrats Chicken

Great news last week. Feel bad just thinking that you all would gradually fade away from this but I am really glad that all things worked for your good. Enjoy

congratulations!!! take it easy now.... things are going to get only better....

Congratulations Chicken65

Congratulations Chicken65.. You have probably been partying all weekend. and why shouldn't you ...

Hope you visit this forum every so often ..