APPROVED!!!!!!!!!! Changed jobs based on AC21 rule....

Finally....I was able to listen to those sweet words "APPROVED"...
PD 04/99
ND 11/99
FP 04/01
RFE 05/01
RFE Replied: 05/11/01
EB3 India
Approved July 30th (Just spoke to IIO)
AVM not updated...apparently it\'s down for the last 3 days.
Changed Jobs using the 180 day rule a few months ago and got an RFE after changing jobs. Was worried....sent Current Employer letter, old employment letter, Pay stubs (old and new), W2 for 3 years.
Hang in there guys...I am sure your turn is very near. Hey Kannan..since our dates are similar..I am sure you should get an approval in the next few days. Finally, thanks a lot everyone for helping me through this whole process!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
congrats zeedawg best of luck for ur future

Sadly i could not reach IIO thru busy lines. so i am waiting for approval notice to come as well checking AVM everyday. Hopefully I would get approved this week ( if luck favors )

Akshaya Kannan
No Title

Hi Zeedawg,

Is there any change in the salary and location of new and old employer? If there is a change, what is the percentage of change in salary? Can you please let us know.
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 I took up a job offer with the company which was my client earlier. I got a 30% raise with the new offer and the job classification remained the same since I was already there as a consultant.
Employment letter question

Hi Zeedawg ,

              what do you mean old employement letter? When you are working somewhere, do you need to still submit the old employment letter .What was mentioned on the old employment letter? I mean, did they mention that still the job is open for you in the future etc..etc... Please share this info. Thanks
No Title

VSC_GC, The letter from the previous employer mentioned that I was a employee with them for 3 years, my designation and salary. Also, it mentioned that they would be willing to hire me back subject to job availability. Hope I answered your question.