Approved..changed job after 180 days

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Did you need the original I-140 receipt notice through all this? I have a month to go to reach the 180-day threshold and I\'m planning to switch right after, but my I-140 original receipt is with my employer (I have a copy as well as the 485 original receipt). Should I ask for it ? (I know it\'ll be a problem)

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How did you manage to get those Receipt notices from FDBL(Fragomen) guys? I heard they wouldn\'t give any receipts and LC copies.

If we hire a new lawyer, can we get all the documentation necessary from FDBL guys?

My company uses them, they are not really helpful in these matters.
PLease advise.

Thanks and CONGRATS !!
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Hi Rahpad,

Could you give us an estimate of the amount that your new lawyers charged? I am in the same situation as yours and i am trying to hire a new lawyer, it would be helpful for me,if you could give some figure!!

Congratulations once again on being a FREEBIRD!!
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FDBL guys are not cooperative. So I went the other way, got a copy from my company\'s HR.

Your company HR would give a letter to the lawyer asking them to release our documents to the new lawyer. New lawyer would then request a copy of all the documents.
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FDBL guys were expensive, they required me to move to an attorney in their shop who handles independent cases, figure was around $1500-1700. So I asked around and found the ranges to be $1200-$1500.. still cheaper.