Approved At The Interview In San Diego


Registered Users (C)
[also posted under I-485 issues in CA - local transfers]

My case (details below) was approved on 2/8 at the Chula Vista office (San Diego). I wanted to share this fact for at least two reasons: to calm down those anxious guys waiting for the interview and to give the insight on my case, which was quite complicated.

All it started in 2002 when my wife put in the I-485 application based on the employment E1 category. We came to the States on J1/J2 basis. We managed this step (I-485) without the lawyer because it is basically a piece of cake and costs a lot. It saved as $3.500 right there.

I had to move to Boston later on following my career. Stayed there for a year and came back to CA but still maintained a separate address from my wife (life is tough).
In August 2004 (after two and 1/2 damn years of waiting) our cases were transferred to San Diego (my wife’s residence area) for a formal interview. The reason was (I thought) – I was caught and charged for shoplifting (such an idiot I am). ONE month after that sad and embarrassing accident happened I was asked for the second fingerprinting (perfect timing, isn’t it). No wonder that the name check came back positive. It took the INS another 2,5 months to get a record description from the FBI (‘cause FBI has no incentive to work faster, why would it).

In the meanwhile, my wife could not wait longer for her approval because of the work –related issues. We went to Chula Vista and asked to break our case into two separate interviews. To our surprise this request was approved and we even got the interview date for her (she is smart enough to not to shoplift). The latter required us two more trips to Chula Vista (which was a pain in the a**). During those several visits and chit-chats with the immigration officer who became something a like a family friend for us we have learned why our cases were marinating at the Office without being put on the schedule. It had nothing to do with my FBI “hit”, it had to do (I am quoting) with “Our Office mainly involved with the family petitioned cases, and therefore the staff has never had enough experience with employment based one. So, no one officer here wanted to pick it from the pile and it was postponed for later scheduling [infinitely]. {After I have heard that I almost had a heart attack :eek: }. We were also explained why our cases were transferred. I thought it was because of my fingerprint “hit”. It appeared – no. Initially the transfer happened by a mistake. Namely, for some reason (which can only be explained by a not willingness to work,to think and to be a human being) the reviewing person at the CSC thought that my case (and not my wife’s) is a LIFE Act case. {It does not matter what was the LIFE Act. To give you the analogy, to confuse me for the LIFE Act is the same as to get me confused for Madonna.) In essence, that is why in August 2004 the cases were dumped on the Chula Vista office where they were collecting the dust for another three months and if not our involvement would have been sat there for another many-many-many-many months (and then possibly shredded).

Never the less, my wife was asked for the interview, which we (as an experiment) took the lawyer to. As I suspected it was like to take a donut. She pleased the officer with a good smell but that was it. The questions were standard. The only one oddity was in that the officer asked her for the letter OR the pay stubs as a proof of employment. No tax reports were required. As planned my wife got approved and her passport stamped; the plastic was in the mail in two weeks exact. I was sent home unhappy and advised to wait for the FBI response, which “will be back any moment soon”. All I could do is to write to the FBI Dissemination department and beg them of sending my profile to Chula Vista directly and ASAP. I doubt that it helped but two days after the wife’s interview (while my letter was in transit to DC) I got a letter of appointment for myself. I tried to re-schedule it on the earlier date (through the e-mail and in person) but was turned away.

I went to the Court and got my Certified Court record (this thought was the only wise advice from the lawyer), arresting and disposition papers. The interviewing officer was the same guy who did my wife’s (the “family member” guy). It was just a coincidence I guess. He asked me “did you bring your court papers”. I said “yes”. He took the originals and said “do not worry, we all make mistakes”. NO other questions were asked!!!
Two minutes later I was flying out of his office with the passport carrying the stamp on page 6.

The End.

I-485 filed October 2002
Transfer from CSC August 2004
Interviews: December 2004 and February 2005
congrats, Baltika
I have pointed you before that your arithmetic skills need some improvement. If you I485 was applied in October 2002 and transferred in August 2004, it is less than 2 years, not 2 and half years.
baltika12 said:
[also posted under I-485 issues in CA - local transfers]

My case (details below) was approved on 2/8 at the Chula Vista office (San Diego). I wanted to share this fact for at least two reasons: to calm down those anxious guys waiting for the interview and to give the insight on my case, which was quite complicated.

All it started in 2002 when my wife put in the I-485 application based on the employment E1 category. We came to the States on J1/J2 basis. We managed this step (I-485) without the lawyer because it is basically a piece of cake and costs a lot. It saved as $3.500 right there.

I had to move to Boston later on following my career. Stayed there for a year and came back to CA but still maintained a separate address from my wife (life is tough).
In August 2004 (after two and 1/2 damn years of waiting) our cases were transferred to San Diego (my wife’s residence area) for a formal interview. The reason was (I thought) – I was caught and charged for shoplifting (such an idiot I am). ONE month after that sad and embarrassing accident happened I was asked for the second fingerprinting (perfect timing, isn’t it). No wonder that the name check came back positive. It took the INS another 2,5 months to get a record description from the FBI (‘cause FBI has no incentive to work faster, why would it).

In the meanwhile, my wife could not wait longer for her approval because of the work –related issues. We went to Chula Vista and asked to break our case into two separate interviews. To our surprise this request was approved and we even got the interview date for her (she is smart enough to not to shoplift). The latter required us two more trips to Chula Vista (which was a pain in the a**). During those several visits and chit-chats with the immigration officer who became something a like a family friend for us we have learned why our cases were marinating at the Office without being put on the schedule. It had nothing to do with my FBI “hit”, it had to do (I am quoting) with “Our Office mainly involved with the family petitioned cases, and therefore the staff has never had enough experience with employment based one. So, no one officer here wanted to pick it from the pile and it was postponed for later scheduling [infinitely]. {After I have heard that I almost had a heart attack :eek: }. We were also explained why our cases were transferred. I thought it was because of my fingerprint “hit”. It appeared – no. Initially the transfer happened by a mistake. Namely, for some reason (which can only be explained by a not willingness to work,to think and to be a human being) the reviewing person at the CSC thought that my case (and not my wife’s) is a LIFE Act case. {It does not matter what was the LIFE Act. To give you the analogy, to confuse me for the LIFE Act is the same as to get me confused for Madonna.) In essence, that is why in August 2004 the cases were dumped on the Chula Vista office where they were collecting the dust for another three months and if not our involvement would have been sat there for another many-many-many-many months (and then possibly shredded).

Never the less, my wife was asked for the interview, which we (as an experiment) took the lawyer to. As I suspected it was like to take a donut. She pleased the officer with a good smell but that was it. The questions were standard. The only one oddity was in that the officer asked her for the letter OR the pay stubs as a proof of employment. No tax reports were required. As planned my wife got approved and her passport stamped; the plastic was in the mail in two weeks exact. I was sent home unhappy and advised to wait for the FBI response, which “will be back any moment soon”. All I could do is to write to the FBI Dissemination department and beg them of sending my profile to Chula Vista directly and ASAP. I doubt that it helped but two days after the wife’s interview (while my letter was in transit to DC) I got a letter of appointment for myself. I tried to re-schedule it on the earlier date (through the e-mail and in person) but was turned away.

I went to the Court and got my Certified Court record (this thought was the only wise advice from the lawyer), arresting and disposition papers. The interviewing officer was the same guy who did my wife’s (the “family member” guy). It was just a coincidence I guess. He asked me “did you bring your court papers”. I said “yes”. He took the originals and said “do not worry, we all make mistakes”. NO other questions were asked!!!
Two minutes later I was flying out of his office with the passport carrying the stamp on page 6.

The End.

I-485 filed October 2002
Transfer from CSC August 2004
Interviews: December 2004 and February 2005
Congratulations!!! Have fun. Appreciate your honesty.
Hey, congrats.. with humor like that, I'm sure you can definately go off shoplifting and get a better job :) . BTW .. the only thing I can probably put to use from here is to be able to make my local USCIS officer like a "family member". Gosh, now why didnt I think of that before .. :confused:

Enjoy ! :D

baltika12 said:
It took the INS another 2,5 months to get a record description from the FBI (‘cause FBI has no incentive to work faster, why would it).
and we even got the interview date for her (she is smart enough to not to shoplift).
Hey balltickler, congratulations.

Can you do me a favor? I've got my eye on these golf clubs but don't want to pay the price....can you ummmm you know..... get me a five finger discount?
what's wrong with my case?

Thanks, baltika12, for sharing your story. Congratulations for your success.

My I140 (E1) was approved in July02 and my I485 was revd in Aug 02. My 2nd FP was done in Aug 04. But, it takes more than 30 months already and it still has no results for my I485. I was just told from CSC that a detailed background check is undergoing and please allow sufficient time to processing.

I don't know what wrong with my case and why it takes so long. It's indeed frustrating to me. Can some one give any suggestion on how to break ice? Thanks.
slow485 said:
Thanks, baltika12, for sharing your story. Congratulations for your success.

My I140 (E1) was approved in July02 and my I485 was revd in Aug 02. My 2nd FP was done in Aug 04. But, it takes more than 30 months already and it still has no results for my I485. I was just told from CSC that a detailed background check is undergoing and please allow sufficient time to processing.

I don't know what wrong with my case and why it takes so long. It's indeed frustrating to me. Can some one give any suggestion on how to break ice? Thanks.

Same response from CIS in my case too. Nothing seems to help (5 months of inquiries, lawyer, congressman, senators, calls/faxes to name check program). Applied for 3rd AP/EAD few weeks ago....

Hope its's nothing to do with EB-1 category. Tired of waiting and hearing crap from CIS. Whatever check they want/need to do... seems like 27 + months have not been enough for these idiots... At the same time none of these seem to be a problem for many other cases (current 485 processing date is Jube 07, 2004).

Do not know what else I can do....

june 7 processing is a lie (as many other things). If you check status for case WAC0503350101, you find that this case has ND November 16, 2004 and was approved on February 10, 2005. Including Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, it took 86 days with all security and background and other checks.
Had my passport stamped on 2/8. Received the standart e-mail from USCIS on 3/4. Your case was received here..blah-blah. Looks like it's comming to its end. Hope to see the plastic in a week or so.
Hi best2002,

I had two folders with me . One with purely immigration (INS) receipts - approved I-140, filed I-485 plus EAD and AP. Plus two new format pix.
Another folder was filled with the proof of the marriage staff - marriage sertificate, banking statements. utility bills, lots of photos.
And do not forget the burth sertificate and a copy. That (the copy) was another thing which the IO kept.

U can try your luck and bring your spouse along with u. That what we did. They do not object. And if her file is ready for adjudication they might interview her/him too.
However, they normally send a separate letter.
Just a quick update. Received the plastic card on March 15th. That concluds me dealing with the INS...for five years at least. And that what makes me happy))))

Thanks for everybody's help and participation. Good luck!!!
best2002 said:
got stamped the same day, were told that plastic cards will arrive in 2~3 wks???
also, the IO interviewed us did not ask for new pixs, she checked the old format pixs, and just kept going... :confused:
I deleted the cases from CIS portofolio, so did not get update email...
but I checked today, and get kind of interesting msg:
"On April 13, 2005, your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received here for processing. It is taking between 270 and 300 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete"
270~300 days??? :p
hope to get the plastic cards soon...
I am in the same boat, see my signature. I think CSC got your case file back from local office. I wish if the message was a little more meaningful. Here is my thread...