Approved at last - AVM says approved today (my case is Amended from EB3 to EB2)


Registered Users (C)
India - EB3 to EB2 Amended on Sep 00
PD Aug 98
ND Dec 99
FP Mar 01

EAC -00-051-51XXX

Talked with IIO about address change recently, thank god they have new address and they are sending the approval notice in today\'s mail.

After sending the amendment notice to INS, they never sent a receipt notice. I got panicked and asked IIO every 15 days. But once they open the file, they treated my application in EB2.
No Title

Jin, What is your country? Is it India OR China ?

The message says it is Inida but Tracker was updated as China. If the tracker is wrong could you correct the tracker please.

Thanks and Congratulations on your approval.