Originally posted by atulh
Dito as of desigc. Can you run for the series EAC02211504xx
you have to give the range ex: EAC0221150400 to EAC0221150500
same thing goes for Desigc
btw you can download the xls from the forums and run it your self. It is pretty straight forward.
trust me if you can post here then i think you can run the scan xls
added later
Here we go range EAC0221150400 to EAC0221150500
EAC0221150411 Approved 01/26/2004 Approved/Completed
EAC0221150413 Received 06/08/2002 Received
EAC0221150430 Approved 02/16/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC0221150437 Approved 06/21/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC0221150458 Approved 05/27/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC0221150473 RFE recvd 10/29/2003 RFE recvd
EAC0221150479 Received 03/26/2003 Received
EAC0221150491 Approved 02/21/2003 Approved/Completed
EAC0221150492 Approved 02/16/2003 Approved/Completed