Approved and Stamped: "OCT2000"


Registered Users (C)
Sorry for the delay in posting my approval. Me and my wife case been approved on 9/10/01 and AVM updated on the same day itself. I was busy on that evening and didn\'t get a chance to log on to internet and thought of posting next day morning. Next day is 9/11/01. The biggest tragedy happened in our life time. Saddened and depressed with the catastrophe occurred on 9/11 and no mood in posting my approval(Usually it is a good news but my happiness last for only few hours) and waited for few days. Then I thought wait for few more days until to receive courtesy copy and post the stamping experience too at the same time.

I received my courtesy copy yesterday(9/20) because I am living in west coast. The letter was postmarked on 9/14 though AVM message says they sent notification on 9/10 itself.

Went for stamping this morning at Portland,OR. Reached there by around at 7:20AM and parked the car at union station which is across the Federal Building on Broadway. I paid for full day($8) and got at Federal Building at 7:30Am. There aren\'t many people in the line there may be about 20 people in front of us. We got inside after security checking at around 7:45AM and got the token. We are the first in filing I-89 this morning and called on the counter 3 at around 8AM. The office was a very nice guy and informative. Taken finger prints, I-94 card, two photos and courtesy copy done all paper work and stamped our passports and gave them back. My passport is valid until 8/02 but he put a expire date on the stamp as 9/20/02 exactly year from today and told me that if I don\'t get a plastic card before my passport expires come with the new passport for stamping again. I know in NSC jurisdiction in some cases plastic cards taking more than a year but in VSC area as per latest trends it is taking between 1-2 months. I am not is a hurry to receive plastic card soon which makes me to join my client as a employee with a big salary cut. I hope they still offer a job for me after a month or so!

I am glad to answer any questions if you folks have. I am not going any where I will stick to this board as long as I can and keep update the VSC Tracker

I am looking for person who interested in maintaining/updating the VSC tracker though. If any one interested please send me a private message or you can post here.

Finally LOT of thanks all active participants on this board for making this board one of a kind and great successful. And I am grateful to Mr.Khanna for providing this board which gives opportunity to share the information and MYLADOOR for maintaining trackers.
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A very Big Congratulation !!!
I\'m glad to be the first one to congratulate you on this board. Also, appreciate your contribution to \'immitracker\'. I wish all the best to you & your family.
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I forgot to mention that my I-140 was approved for CP and I called IIO on 9/7. Here is the my conversation with IIO regarding I-140 approval for CP.
OCT2000 "Talked to IIO at 4PM(EST) on 9/7 - Little info on I-140 appvd for CP" 9/8/01 11:14am

In most of the cases they will get the I-140 file back either NVC or Consulate General from Abroad if it already sent out. So no worries if your I-140 approved for CP.

Thanks Gentrig and ss72us and wish you all the best.
Congratulations. From where will you get the card?


You got passport stamped in the NSC jurisdiction, though you
get your I-485 approval from VSC. From which service center will
you get your plastic card (NSC or VSC)? Can we choose to get the
plastic card from VSC, if it is faster? Thanks for the info and congrats.

Congrats OCT2000

Congratulations. I was waiting for your approval cause your ND was the same as mine .11/22/2000 for I-485. When my friends who had NDs later than mine asked me about my approval I would always tell the, check for OCT2000 if that case approved so is mine. But no I\'m still waiting for my approval. Have a question for you- Do they process by PD by any chance? Cause your PD 3/99 where as mine 6/99. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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You will get the plastic card from the service center which processed your application. In my case it is VSC, so I will get the Plastic card from VSC. You donot have a option to choose the service center to process your I-89(Plastic card) application.
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It made me to think is the same way as you are on many occasions whenever I see the later date cases approved and their PD is old. Then I used to get data from the tracker do sort on PD for a particular month of ND. But I was not convinced that INS gives any impotance to PD. It\'s all depends.

Say there are 1000 applications for a particular month, they cannot process all the cases on one day so it is natural to spread across a few months. And also I can agree with the same old theory some IIO are very effective do their work very quick and some are very very slow and takes hell out of time to process the applcation.

I am sure you will hear a good news soon. For the past few weeks approval rate is high. Your approval is around the corner.

Wish you GoodLuck.
OCT2000, Where to get I-89 form?

Is it available on the Internet? Do you fill it out before stamping? Or is it only available at the office where you stamp? Thanks for the information.

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May they are available online, I am not sure about it.

Usually INS officers fill that for us, they will take our signature and finger print on the form and sent it to Service center. Today he didn\'t not even complete the form, he filled A# and taken FP and signature and stapled photos, I-94 card and Courtesy copy to the application . That\'s all he did infront of us.
Congratulations OCT2000

Its funny that people with the ND around yours were following your approval all this time. I had my ND on 11/21 and would track your postings! Enjoy & Congratulations once again!
OCT2000, don\'t forget to update immitracker!!! ;-)

Just kidding! ;-)

Congratulations man! You deserved it!!!
Good luck to you and your family!
The same happened at Newark INS office for me

Application was not fully filled out. Only A# written down, signature done, finger printed, photos stapled, and I-94 card and approval notice taken.
Congrats Oct2000, I too live in Portland, OR

RD is Nov00 and ND 1200 waiting to here the magic words.
Nice to know that you live in PDX. May God bless u in all your endeavours.