Approved 6/13 from AVM WAC 01-010-XXXXXX


Registered Users (C)
For me and my family (3 dependents).
RD: 09/00 ND: 10/00 FP: 11/01 no RFE

I\'ve been on this board since my RD, i was on ciba\'s list. Mine really took a long time mainly because my FP\'s were scheduled much later than my ND.
Finally a closure to this chapter. Thank God
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Congratulations. Yours is the oldest case I have seen in the recent past!
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Yes I did send fax inquiries, a lot, starting with the FP scheduling in 2000. My FPs got scheduled only after a follow-up by my lawyer\'s liaison. My personal fax inquiries netted mailed responses with no productive results. Applicants nowadays are fortunate for there is now a protocol for making sure FPs are scheduled in due time. After the FP\'s in November 2001 (a year and 2 months after RD) I thought I\'d have some resolution by at most March of 2002 thinking that somebody from INS would find favor with my case. It was an emotional rollercoaster for me and my family. I had several colleagues who applied at the same time as I did who got approved in an average time of 6-9 months. Mine took almost 2 years. It just went out of the loop of the processing cycle. In the end you can only grow stronger and learn to appreciate life as it comes. Again I say that recent applicants in CSC have good reasons to be optimistic. One can sense a deliberate move to really have a six month processing time frame.
Hang on tight, good things are yet to come.

Congratulations!!! Dude, it is a really long wait. Did you send any fax inquiries? What are the responses?
Question for Chinkoy

What do mean by \'Applicants nowadays are fortunate for there is now a protocol for making sure FPs are scheduled in due time\'?

My FP notice is not yet received by me and I am wondering what to do about it? Can you give more details on the protocol you are talking about.
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What I meant was that during my time (prior to Aug 2001) there was no fax inquiry methods available as what is mentioned in the elirich website. I see that you know about it based on your previous postings. If you fit the criteria I see no reason for one not to use it. I think though that it would be more advantageous if a lawyer affiliated with AILA will do the inquiry.
Congratulations !! and great patience.

It\'s really respectable for you to have been waiting your approvals for two years.
I learned that I must be more patient.
Thanks for your sharing your valuable experience.

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