Approval Notice Tracker - Please post the details

I think you are onto something here!

Most of the guys who have received the notice are all in the VSC region like NY, NJ etc... You and I are in a different region outside of VSC. May be they need to send some files down to the \'other\' centers first and then they send the notices. Just speculating! to keep sanity!!!
Confirm what?

If you are refering about my comment about "other center etc..." no! I am just speculating. I am trying to reason the unreasonable. Do you think my theory may be correct!?
Notice not Received so far


My approval date is 12th dec but have not received the letter so far. I live in atlanta and i think i should get that this week itself. INS may not be sending the letters on the approval date. Probably that would be the delay.
I mean the I-485 approval...

Since we have not received the notices yet...only trusting AVM is concern for me....

Do we need to call IIO and confirm our I-485 approval...
Approved on 12/10/01.... Still Waiting in Boston

Heard on the AVM that our case has been approved on 12/10/01. But haven\'t received the courtesy copy yet. Written to my lawyer but no response yet.
same here....

which company do you work for?
Probably Lawyer would have got both CC and Original....

I checked the mail...not yet...
No news yet!

I thought the courtesy copy come to your home and the original goes to the atty. Is this not correct? Can both go to the atty? Anyone please respond.
CPR for this thread : -)

AD per the AVM is Dec 11th.
I\'m in California and am still waiting for the \'real\' thing in the mail. FYI, so far I have found the AVM to be unreliable. It always said "case not found" until I checked a few days ago when it changed for the first time in years to approved...mailed....blah..blah. My lawy firm is in NY and has not got anything as of last Friday 14th.

Courtesy Copy -> Applicant
Original Approval -> Attorney

Good Luck


EB2 India ND Jan01 AD 12/04 Stamped 12/11
john99, ledzeplin-question?

Have either of you changed your mailing address just before the I-485 approval or anytime during the I-485 process?
You guys will be getting it soon... I just recd my courtesy copy ad:12/13 post marked only on: 12/17

Recd courtesy copy yesterday.NYC.12/19.
NOT Received so far

My approval date is 12th dec 01. But i have not received the approval letter so far.. I checked the mail today also. I live in atlanta,GA.