Approval---no desire to celebrate


Registered Users (C)
Seems to be caught in plenty of bed luck: filed NIW when INS impose tougher rules in 1997. When it was approved after refiling, the PD regressed. My first lawyer abandoned my because I chose to change my job--in the same field. He did not want to be bothered checking the rules and laws to see what would be my best options. Wait patiently till 11/99 when I-485 was filed. 1st FP lost: Lawyer refuse to check becaue he thought it would come if I just sat tight; IIOs did not check because they did not want to help, and it was much easier to say "wait for 60-90 days" than doing anything useful. Finally got hold of a nice IIO, who re-sent me the FP notice---more than 3 month past the original FP notice date. Got FP down on May 18th. Wrote a letter to INS request that all future correspondence to be sent to me directly. My lawyer already got his money, he did not care anymore. In fact, the longer I wait, the longer he could squeez more money out of my pocket. I am wondering if secreatly he even wished my case got denied so he could collect additional fees. On June 18th, I called INS after an hour and 30 minutes dialing. A pleasant IIO told me my case is with a "good" officer since June 13th, and I should get a notice in 2-3 weeks. She said all documents seem to be in order, and she did not see any problem for approval. I shrugged my shoulder. I then sent 2 letters to the Commissioner of INS and Senate Immigration Subcommittee to complain about the backlog problems, the jammed phone line, and the faulty services at VSC. Yeasterday, when I checked AVM, I heard "this case is approved on June 20th..."

Seems like that another round of battles with INS will begin soon. At least this time I won\'t use my lawyer anymore. In fact, I will try my best not to use any immigraion lawyers. Some of them are good, but others just incompetent, unethical, and indifferent. Sad things are, there are just too many of the bad ones. I think we should have a forum to objectively evaluate lawyers.

Good luck to everybody, and thanks to all who have contributed to this site in a positive way.
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where is your lawyer located?, you might give a clue so that somebody else will benifit from your experience with that bad apple.
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well - with your no desire to celebrate, I dont know if congratulations are in order or not for getting the gc.. but I think congrats are in order for your determination and finally making it thru. Wish you better luck in the future!
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What are the addresses did you send you complaint about phone and slow process?
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I think you have not been thru the worst experience.
You need to celebrate. Just remember the good things that happened and cheers.
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Congrats...Finally you got it! Enjoy your post GC life!!

Could post your complete details for Tracker?
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Yeah, but you can look at it in a different way, you can say, "I made it happen, I never gave up, I prevailed"! You should celebrate not because you got your GC but for your pertenacious attitude. I am sure you grew much stronger because of this ordeal, so go ahead and CELEBRATE!
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Thanks everyone for your encouragement. We are way too kind to be treated badly... Sigh, I hope all of you get yours very soon. It makes me smile to fantasize the happy monents when every hardworking immigrant get his/her break.

My detail: PD 10/97, ND 11/05/99, FP 5/18/01, Approved 6/20/01. No REF. China, EB2, NIW-company sponsored. Changed job before filing I-485, but stayed in the same field. Attached a letter from the new company stating job field stayed same.

Complaint letters sent to
 Senate judiciary Committee Immigration
323 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Commissioner James Ziglar
Immigration and Naturalization Services
425 I St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20536

Office of Internal Audit
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20536-0001

Again, thanks and good luck to everybody!
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I \'ve added new entry call INDY1 to the tracker.

Myladoor, If you happened to see this please delete the old entry(INDY). thanks.