Approval letter.................


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One of my friends got his approval on 7/16, but not received his approval letter till date. How long will it take him to receive the letter. There is no info. from his lawyer also. So I think his lawyer also did not receive any info. from USCIS. Guys, any idea about the time period to receive this

Thanks in advance
Ask him to check attorney address on 485 receipt. It must be correct. If it's wrong, it will be returned back to INS saying 'UNDELIVERABLE'
Actually, don't worry about this. My lawyer reveived the notices around a week and half after the approval. The notices sent to me were returned, and then redelivered again, which took a while. So, as long as you have been approved -- nothing to worry about. Stamping is just a formality, which you can do when ever the notices are here.

Good luck.
Dear Tshar:
Could you please write , whether your LUD change after PS?
we did our PS on 07/15/2004 in Pittsburgh,our case approved on 07/08/2004.
After PS on 07/15/2004 , LUD cahnged on 07/22 and 07/23. As I am moving to Boston, end of this month, so bit worried what to do? My wife will be here in Pittsburgh address for amonth? Do you think our LUD cahnged on 07/22 and 07/23, something going on our case. I really appreciate your help, if you could able to write the information about LUD cahnge after PS.
Call USCIS if you don't receive the letter after 14 days... sounds like a uscis msg... but what else to do!
Jayaram -- after the passport stamping, the LUD changed twice (if I am not wrong). Then, I received a e-mail saying the card has been ordered, and next day I received another e-mail saying card has been mailed. We received the cards three days after we got the "card has been mailed" e-mail.

As you are planning to move, make sure you send the Change Of Address Form, and also call the customer service number to make sure that the address has been updated there. IF your card is mailed and is returned, USCIS will check the current address (when the mail gets returned, the post office puts a sticker with the new address on the envelope) and mail the card again. So don't worry. As a matter of fact - on the envelop which had our cards - it didn't even have anything written on it about not to forward mail.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Dear Tshar:
I am very much thankful for your reply.
We did our PS in Pittsburgh on 07/15/2004.
Like your case, LUD changed 2 times for me too.
It changed on 07/22/2004 and 07/23/2004.
Could you please write me, after how many days of your last LUD change, you received e-mail that your card has ordered? You know how painful job it is to wait 2 years to get that small card. Though I am moving this August first week, but my wife will be in my pittsburgh adddress as she has job here till september end, 2004. So I am in dilema, whether to keep my aprtmnet till september end or just to wait till end of August, then my wife will resign one month earlier and can join with me. If I know how many days after your second lud change, you recived e-mail that card has ordered, it will give me little idea and I can plan well. Though cases are different, but I can guess approximately. I really appreciate your fedback.
with regards
Jayaram -- I actually did not keep track of how many days after the last LUD change I received the card ordered e-mail. However, from my signature, you can see that we received the card exactly 4 weeks after passport stamping. There are people living in Boston area, who had their passport stamped before us, and still did not receive the card. So looks like the timing varied greatly.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. However, IF I were you - I would have moved on with my life. You have the I-551 stamp on your passport. If you don't receive the card in a year, you can get re-stamped again. Your permanent residency process has been approved - having the card is just the formality.

Also, if your case was handled by a law firm - discuss your situation with them (if that ispossible). The law firm who handled my case was very efficient about the addresss changes, notifying USCIS and everything. Maybe they would be able to help.

Let me know if you have more questions. Good luck.
Thanks Tshar. I am coming to Boston and My lawyer is in Boston too. When I was working In Boston I apllied GC 2 years back. Thanks for your advice. I will consult with my law frim. Thanks alot Tshar.
with regards