Approval Letter Received, Approved 03-05-2001


Registered Users (C)
Folks, My 485 was approved on March 05, 2001 and my lawyer received the original approval letter today. I will be going to Stamp the passport tomorrow. I hope this long crucial, painfull journey will be end...
I will post my stamping expierence tomorrow..
The approal letter says at follow:
Your application for permanent resident status has been approved. Please take this notice, your arrival/departure record, Form I-94, your passport and two adit style color photos meeting the spec below, to the local INs office listed below to have your fingerprint and signature taken on form I-89 and otherwise complete for processing your alien registration card.
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I have the same question, I\'m confused because it\'s a copy of original notice, so the original is the one that says "take this notice". At the bottom it says "This courtesy copy may not be used in lieu of official notification to demonstrate the filing or processing action taken on this case". To me this means that we have to take the original, but i have a friend that says he totk the copy??? It\'s very confusing.

Has anybody taken courtesy copy for PP stamping?
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You can just take the courtsey copy the one you gets in the mail not to the photo copy from courtsey copy or from original notice. I think you are confused with word copy. INS use copy with the courtsey copy. You can\'t take photo copy for stamping. I hope this answer the question