Approval at NSC RD July/2001

I hope so. Can the prople who talked about running a script on ins webpage pls. verify that there really is a case with LIN01251xxxxx which has been approved.
That is good news. I just checked RUPNET and saw the posted approval. Finally after nearly 2 months we are seeing NSC approvals.
it's really a good news, at least one more out from NSC's drag net of frustration. I wish, one fine day, our turn will also come.

It will be good to see few more approvals, hopefully next week.

I think there should be a lot of approvals because for the past two months all they have been issuing is RFE's and by now they should have the replies on the RFE's and just waiting for approvals once the freeze is lifted. Let's hope this turns out to be true next week.
INS is off on Monday,20th for Martin

Luther King's Bday,and then again in Feb for president's day or dont hope for anything soon,esp with the Super Bowl coming up