applying for L1 while H1 is under processing


Registered Users (C)
Company A applied for my H1-B petition on April 2nd 2007 (FY-2008) and I dont know whether my petetion got selected in random selection processing.

My Problem: my current employer B (in INDIA) is planning to apply for L1 in this week as I need to work with our client for 2 months (june-july 2007) and I really dont want to loose this opportunity.

1. as both L1 & H1 are work-permits, Am I allowed to apply for L1 while H1 petetion is under processing? :confused:

2. If my H1 got selected, do I've to reject this L1 offer?:(

3. If my H1-B stamping is during my trip (june-july) can I post-pone the stamping date?:eek:

4. Is L1 exempt for 214(b)?

help me from this dilemma
revert if any further information is needed.

additional information: My 1yr B1 was expired on Feb14 2007, on which I've made 2 business trips to same client in 2006.

Any other info greatly appreciated.

Thanx in advance,
L1 and H1 visa application at the same time


I am currently in the US on H4. I applied for the H1B this year and havent heard back from USCIS on whether my petition was accepted in the lottery this year.

Now, a former employer is willing to sponsor a L1 visa for me. If I go ahead with the L1 application, what are the repurcussions of both applications?

Is a person allowed to legally file for visas under H1B and L1 rules? Since I havent heard back from the USCIS, I cannot withdraw my H1B application.

I would like to work on the L1 visa and not with the H1B, as my H1B was filed by a consultant and I will need to search for a job later.

Please let me know.
