Applying for a green card all over again


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Hi, that's my situation: right now I'm in my home country, I got my conditional green card based on marriage more than 2,5 years ago, and obviously I lost it since I left the USA for good. Me and my husband had lots of fights even right before my green card interview. Before we applied for my green card, we lived together for more than a year waiting for him to get his citezenship... So, when I got my conditional green card, I went to visit my family in Russia for 2 months, I had the return ticket too. But my husband e-mailed me saying that our relationship is just not gonna work out, he said that I should come to the States though not to loose my status. But the only reason I was there in the first place is because of him, so I didn't see any sense in coming back. I went back to school in my home country... And after a while me and my husband (we didn't get an official divorce) started talking again, chatting on skype, and decided to get back together. My question is - I know that we have to apply for my green card all over again. Will the fact that I abandoned my status affect the process somehow? How do we apply for my green card if I reside in Russia?
It will be great if you can put timeline (months and year) along with each relevant fact.
Date GC was issued
Date you left USA last time

Also, did he file joint tax returns with your name when you were back home?

You can continue the GC if you can RETURN back to US. It is unlikely they will let you in after 2.5 years, but let's look at the dates and facts in more details.
25 november 2006 got married
august 2007 got my green card
november 2nd 2007 went to russia for a visit and stayed
so it's been a long time...
Thanks! So my husband needs to file I-130. But since I'm in Russia, which visa should we apply for? CR1/IR1?