applying CP for spouse interview was in sept 2001


Registered Users (C)

I applied and got my CP done in sept 2001. When I went to india for interview I got married. However due to various reasons my spouse could not follow to the US with me until now. Is it possible that she can apply for CP now based on my immigration petition for CP in sept 2001? Since the marriage took place before I was a landed immigrant in the US isnt it true that she can still apply in the follow-to-join category? I only have marriage certificate as proof that marriage took place in october 2001 and I returned to US in end of october. do I need to show anything else? Can this be done since its almost 6 months since the marriage and also will be another 2-6 months before she can attend interview? thanks for your help.
I think your CP interview date counts...

You need to get married before your interview - i.e before you changed your status to immigrant. In your case it seems like you got married after you changed to Immigrant status but before you arrived in the US. now, unfortunately, in my opinion you need to go through the family based immigration. BUT try taking expert advice.
Check with attorney !!!

Possibly No. Once you become an immigrant, the spouse does not get it as a right. Only way would have been to file CP process (DS-230 etc.) as dependants to follow. Once the GC is approved, your spouse may have to go thru the K / V visa route. Anyway good luck.
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ron gotcher from imminfo has said this is possible. anyone else who has done this?
could be done

there are folks on this forum who had successfully done this that is getting married after the interview and adding the spouse as follow to join i am surprised that u have not checked this before if u need more details i suggest u do a search on this forum for cp&marriage u will get some pointers
the only thing is that its been 6 months u would have to check with the lawyer the key is getting married before entering usa good luck