applying citizenship from NY v/s NJ


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Dear All:
My wife is going to apply the citizenship in July 2007 .
We live in NY .My lawyer has advised me to apply the citizenship from NJ which quicker than NY .Since I'm on H1B ,I will get my GC by 2 or 3 months after she gets citizenship but NY it may take 9 months to 1 year for GC
so question is where should one apply citizenship from NY or NJ and then how quickly spouse will get GC ( we know that one must become resident of NJ at least three months prior to appyling citizenship from NJ)

If you think that NJ is processing faster then rent an apt there just so your wife can have proof of residency of 3 months to fulfill the n400 requirement.
Thanks for reply .The moving from NYC to NJ is not issue .The question is it correct that NJ is quicker than NY for citizenship and quicker for GC of spouse of citizens .
Dear All:
My wife is going to apply the citizenship in July 2007 .
We live in NY .My lawyer has advised me to apply the citizenship from NJ which quicker than NY .Since I'm on H1B ,I will get my GC by 2 or 3 months after she gets citizenship but NY it may take 9 months to 1 year for GC
so question is where should one apply citizenship from NY or NJ and then how quickly spouse will get GC ( we know that one must become resident of NJ at least three months prior to appyling citizenship from NJ)

Yes, you can't just apply without establishing residency. Also your wife has to change her Drivers License to NJ. It may be worth the hassle to you but be aware during the interview she may be asked out why she applied from NJ.
The question is it correct that NJ is quicker than NY for citizenship and quicker for GC of spouse of citizens .
I haven't applied yet but I have been monotiring the NY timeline and it appears that NY has some of the fastest times in the country (as few as 3 months) and that Manhattan hired additional officers to deal with citizenship applications. You may want to browse the NY City timeline thread.
I have appllied in NY January 11th 2007 and already have interview set up for April 12th.
I do not think it matters much, maximun 1 month difference between the two states according to timelines people posted.