Apply for H1


New Member
I am in US on L1 visa. And I would like to apply for H1 right now. But my passport is getting expired by Aug 30 2005. Today, I went to US Consulate to renewal it. They have taken my passport and told me that it might take upto 45 days to renewal as mine is short valid (5 years valid) passport and they can renewal from India only.
Could you please let me know whether I can apply for H1 with my exiting 21/2 months valid passport or shall I need to wait till I get my renewal one?

Thanks In Advance
You need to go Indian consulate, not in US consulate, last year I renewed my kid’s passport in Indian consulate at Huston, Texas
Thanks for your reply. SOrrfy, I went to India Consulate only in NY.
Actaully, My question is,
"Whether is it apply to apply H1 with my exisiting Passport (Which valid till Aug 30th 2005) or not".

Thanks in Advance