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apply again


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Can anyone help me about this problem?
my friend is permanent resident through green card lottery but his wife is out of the State.What is our concern,is it possible that he apply again for lottery(maybe he is lucky) and win because of his status?

why would he apply for the lottery if he already has a greencard?????? Or does he want to apply again so that his wife would get a greencard this time?? If that's the case, his wife has to apply. I suppose if he would be the principal applicant again, and he would win, his wife's visa would be dependent on his visa, but he cannot get a new immigrant visa if he already is a permanent resident, therefore his wife could not get a visa either. This thought is based on logical thinking, however, the legal reality might be different.
why would he apply for the lottery if he already has a greencard?????? Or does he want to apply again so that his wife would get a greencard this time?? If that's the case, his wife has to apply. I suppose if he would be the principal applicant again, and he would win, his wife's visa would be dependent on his visa, but he cannot get a new immigrant visa if he already is a permanent resident, therefore his wife could not get a visa either. This thought is based on logical thinking, however, the legal reality might be different.
Your friend and his wife should both apply again. I do not recall any law stopping him from getting a second card, especially if it is to "ferry" his wife into the US. Even if they disqualify him, they will not take away his first green card.
Igmu is incorrect. Being an LPR prevents the husband from doing AOS, but it does not prevent him from getting an immigrant visa and ferrying his wife with him. :)
If the wife wins - well, she'd ferry herself in, provided that she has played based on her own country of birth (not his).
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I've heard a similar case before. LPR applied for DV lottery and won. I remember that she did it for her husband to get GC. Many lawyers she consulted told her that it would be impossible for them to continue their process. But, they made it without any problem :)