Applied AP in TSC and moved to NSC area


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Guru's Jaxen and Like,
I applied for AP and EAD in TSC.
meantime took a job in NSC area, My case has not been transfered to NSC.
How can I get a AP in a emergency and a interm EAD here locally.
Can I go to the local office here and show them my TSC EAD receipts.

HELP !!!
Recent experience shows that it does not help. You have to deal with TSC unless TSC themseves transfer you to NSC. Have you notified them of your change of address--not merely the AR-11 form but to the I-485 section of TSC?
AR 11 and changed address filed

Filed the AR11 and called the 1-800 number
and got the address changed.But TSC has not transferred the case to NSC.
I need the AP urgently do I have to Fly to Dallas where the application was filed.
It depends on the local office and the "mood swing" of the officers. Usually an AP is not issued from local center..Pls read Johnkumar's post.

However, you can contact TSC and request them to expediate the process based on the proof of the emergency.
How to Call TSC

is there a special number for TSC.
How to contact them.
I live in Denver now and the application was made in Dallas
You cannot call TSC directly. All you can do is try that 800 number and if you are realy lucky, they may transfer you to an officer in TSC..

Otherwise, try sending them a fax request . Sometimes it works.