Application Misplaced


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone ever faced with such kind a problem. I failed an Asylum Application to Vermont SC and didn't receive any answers for 60 days. After that I set up an apointment with DHS Field Office and asked them what could happen to my application. After contacting the Vermont the officer said that my application was 'misplaced' and recommended to me to send another application. I showed to him Track and Confirm receit from USPS that confirms that my application WAS DELIVERED to Vermont SC! So, here's my question. Where is my application if it was delivered to the SC and then no traces?

Does anyone experienced something like that?
I know somebody, who's declaration was misplaced by USCIS, and she had to resubmit it (just the declaration) on the date she'd interview. I've heard, seen and experienced weird things, may be asylum is a weird process.
Nobody knows where it might be. Some people report here that after receiving copy od their file under FOIA, they found all kind of document on the file that does not belong to them so one of the possiblity is your application might be placed in another applicant file and this is just one possibility of countless possibilities.
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Actually I would be interested to see what is on my file? what is the procedure to make a such request under the FOIA?
Send your request to national record center(NRC) and you will receive a copy of your record.Search it on USCIS web site under Freedom of information act(FOIA) for more information and detail.
Send your request to national record center(NRC) and you will receive a copy of your record.Search it on USCIS web site under Freedom of information act(FOIA) for more information and detail.

Do they charge for the copy?
May be the file contains all the documents applicant had submitted. Do you think they will even copy all the underlinings or notes or whatever they've done in the papers. I am interested to get a copy just to know what they have thought (if there are any notes in the papers); just to know about my pending case. May be I can get a clue...