application denyed due to no good moral character


New Member
I could not believe my application for citizenship was denyed because the person who interviewd mr thought I don't meet the standard of Good Moral Character. I don't have any criminal record, never been arrested, pay my tax, I don't know what his decision was based on.

Please help me urgently! I don't know what to do now. I've never seen anyone has the same experience here on this forum. I've been reading this forum for 7 years.

Please help!

My interview was in Los Angeles, 5/17th 2007

Sorry but need more information

I am sorry to hear that your application has been denied, please give us more information on what you think might have caused the IO to come to this conclusion, describe your entire interview process, anything that came up in the interview that you thought was suspicious, did the IO ask to you sign on anything such as "I never lied to any immigration officer" etc., there was one case where the IO has asked another member on this forum to do this as he found a discrepancy in their initial asylum application. What was the IO's attitude during the interview, I heard an IO during my interview @LA downtown in the next room that was very rude to another applicant, did he/she have a similar attitude ?

You have to provide additional information for anyone in this forum to help you.

Also, you need to do the following two things immediately:

i) Hire a good lawyer to pursue this issue
ii) Schedule an infopass appointment to find out the reason why you got denied
Certainly there must be more to this than you are telling us.

By the way, you don't need to have a criminal record to be denied - being delinquent with child-support payments could be sufficient grounds for rejection.
I think the same. I believe that relevant information is being withheld and not included in the post. I find hard to believe that no reason for the denial was given by the IO, either verbally, or most likely in written. This could be a good time to hire a good lawyer to see whether it makes sense to appeal the decision.
I could not believe my application for citizenship was denyed because the person who interviewd mr thought I don't meet the standard of Good Moral Character.

What are the other facts? It really can't be that simple!!

Given your spellings, I wouldn't be surprised if you are denied because of English language short comings.
I could not believe my application for citizenship was denyed because the person who interviewd mr thought I don't meet the standard of Good Moral Character. I don't have any criminal record, never been arrested, pay my tax, I don't know what his decision was based on.

Please help me urgently! I don't know what to do now. I've never seen anyone has the same experience here on this forum. I've been reading this forum for 7 years.

Please help!

My interview was in Los Angeles, 5/17th 2007

Citizenship Application denials happen due to various reasons:

1. Lying on the Application.
2. Not paying child support.
3. Not paying taxes.
4. Commiting Crimes of Moral Turpitude.
5. Applying for Citizenship before being eligible.
6. Lying to get your Green Card.
etc. etc.
Contact a lawyer.
I could not believe my application for citizenship was denyed because the person who interviewd mr thought I don't meet the standard of Good Moral Character. I don't have any criminal record, never been arrested, pay my tax, I don't know what his decision was based on.

Please help me urgently! I don't know what to do now. I've never seen anyone has the same experience here on this forum. I've been reading this forum for 7 years.

Please help!

My interview was in Los Angeles, 5/17th 2007


Did your citizenship deny at naturalization interview ? Did you complete everything including fingerprinting ?

1) Is your child living outside your residence and paying child support properly ?
2) Are you in the process of divorce and not yet finalized ?
3) Is it based on 5 year GC eligibility ?
4) Did you hide any serious traffic violation ?
5) Did you file any bankruptcy or credit history issues ?

Please reply.
You have to be honest about your past to get any helpful answers on the board. I find it incredulous that your application was denied on moral character grounds without as much as a simple explanation.
Have you been in trouble with the law in the last five years, have you commited a crime in the past that bars you from applying, and most importantly did you present any information on the N-400 that was found to be untrue?

If the answers to all the questions are negative, hire a lawyer.
I am sure you screwed up, gives us the lowdown on your application and we'll bat it around and see what comes out.
Good luck