Applicants with RFE and no response


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends
Seems like there are quit a few applicants who havn't received any response to their RFE's in a while. All those who havn't received any response for their RFE's please respond to this message. Let us see the trend.
My NIW NSC RFE was responded on 8/8/05, LUD changed once on 11th saying they received the response, after that, no LUD change and status changes at all. I am despairedly waiting, do not know what is going on!
I'm in the same boat.
It will be informative if every one can respond with their details.
Please see my signature for my details.
in the same boat

I got ref on my I140 on May 18th 2005
1 Ability to Pay,
2.Review the record for length of inc
3 My original expereince certificates

My comapny responded on July 5th With

1.Proof of ability to pay
2.Are incorporated since 1999 (Did change inc name the name sent proof of it)
3.Sent my original experince certificates

Sub labor (EB3)
140/485/ AD 12/27/2004
Ref : May 18th
officer code is NSC/CACWH061
Responded on July 6th.
LUD July 8th on I140 for response reciept
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sept_neb_filler and NIWwaiting please post your details like punjabi007 and i did.
My details:

NIW 140 NSC Concurrent 140/485/EAD/AP
ND: 5/04
#1FP: 7/04
#2 Biometrics 6/ 05
RFE: 5/05
Response ND 8/10/05 LUD change once on 8/11/05 saying they receive...
Nothing changes after that.
make an inquiry?

I was asking my attorney whether 60 days after RFE response is the time to make an inquiry either by her, by me, or by congressman and senator. She strongly suggest NO, saying that would only aggravate INS. But we can not wait for nothing right? When and how to make inquiry? Do you have idears?

I140/485- Filed on Oct. 1st, 2004
I140 - RFE 21st May; NSC received reply on 18 June
I140 - Second RFE July 16th; NSC received reply on 1st August LUD changed on 4th August ; Till now no updates.
Schedule A applicant - Visa Dates Current, EB3
LUD changed, STATUS unchanged!?

NSC I-140 EB2 NIW Jan/04
I-140 RFE May/05
I-140 LUD 7/19 (rec RFE), 7/21,....... 9/7,.... friday 9/23, monday 9/26
Waiting for response .......
LUD changed

Today my LUD changed for both I140 and I485. Seems like they are upto something now. LUD changed after 59 days of RFE. No update to the message yet.
My Ref RD has more than 80 days no LUD

My 140 Ref RD has more than 80 days no LUD What should I do ?
Should I put any query into INS ? Please suggest.
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I think you should

Hi Punjabi..I think you should look into making some kind of inquiry. I am not sure but i think you can send inquiry after 60 days of them receiving RFE. Anybody please clarify this.
LUDs on two consecutive working days, means something?

The strange of my last posting was that I just realize that the last two luds were on two consecutive working days, Friday and Monday! If I am not mistaking, I read in other postings as approval and mailing! I was looking to know if somebody else read somewhere a different arrangement such as denial and mailing!? The status is still unchanged and I didn’t receive any mail yet.
Well, I keep waiting ...........
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I-140 Rfe...

If you are waiting for your I-140 approval after responsed to your RFE...

If you notice LUD changes for both I-140 and I-485 and it's taking more than 1 week to have update/change on stutus message....then mostly (90 to 99%) it's denied. You will hear directly from attorney/employer the result.
For satgym

I was wondering was your visa number available. You have really scared me now. Where did you come up with 99% thing.