Appending review


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys
      My FP was done on 12/13/2001 and VSC got it on 12/19/2001. AVM says got FP ON 12/19 and appending review. I know a guys who\'s FP was received by VSC on 12/28/2001 and for him message is different ( received and processing resumed).

Is this something to worry about ?

That is next one

\'Process resumed\' is the next message in the series after FP.
So you could hear the same message once they receive the FP review results and then updates the AVM to \'processing has been resumed....\'.

That could be the last one before you hear \'Approved\' or \'Issued RFE\' kind of message.
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I did my FP on 01/25/02 (RD Aug/6/01) and the message already updated to \'Processing Resumed\'.