AP ?. urgent


New Member

I have filed my I-485 in feb '02. Along wih that I also applied for my AP. We (me & my wife) made a trip to India & used the AP while coming back in Jan 03. My H1 expired on Jan 03. The expiry date of AP was May '03. Now my wife has to go to India in the last week of July.

1) Can I directly go to the BCIS office in Newark & get the AP in a day without there being an emergency reason.

2) Secondly does my wife need to have an AP in hand before she leaves or can i just apply now thru the mail & mail it to her in india , when she is about to travel back to US.

We both have an EAD.

Please advise.
Thanks in advance.
its game of luck than to be rules and regulation.

I am in same situation .My wife wants to go in mid of july .I applied for AP in april no reply .Tried local office no luck , send fax to sc no luck .To our bad luck they send us a REF awaiting what they want .Looks like my wife wont make it . Online status dont show anything , I came to to know about REF when I visited local ofiice .They where sympatatic to me as now a days they get numebr of visites like us .They did appreciated long wait of AP is frustrating .I thing its game of luck than to be rules and regulation as number of people applied after me got ap months back .
1. U cant get an AP at the local office, if there is no emergency.
2. According to the BCIS rules on AP, a person needs to have the approved AP in hand before leaving US.