AP Question


Registered Users (C)
Has anybody recently travelled using the Advanced Parole document? I had received two ORIGINAL copies of the document for myself and my wife. Does this mean that we can take only two trips during the year?

Thanks for the help
Best Regards

PD: 07/2000
RD: 03/23/2002
ND: 04/02/2002
FP: 05/28/2002
Hi ,

Not really , as per my understanding you can travel as many times as you want before your parole expires .
I have travelled on parole to UK some 6-7 months back . while returning At the custom counter at Newark they asked me to proceed to custom office which is just behind the custom checks counters and they asked me to sit and verified the details and asked who have filed your 485 , I told them my company and name and they stamped the passport , handed me both passport and parole and thats it .
Parole allows u to travel as many times as u want

My understanding is the immigration officer will stamp one copy and return it to u. He will keep the second copy first time u enter. Subsequant times u just use the copy u have with u. Keep copies of the parole and don't ever give it to the airlines folks. If they ask give them the copy.
Hope this helps.