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AP: Contacting the embassy regularly????


Registered Users (C)
Hi friends,
I write an email to the embassy once a month, and each time they give a reply that my case is pending administrative Processing. I was wondering if they don't like this behavior of mine, because it is clearly mentioned on their website that one should contact them only when 6 months have passed since the time of the interview. And do you think such an irritating behavior of a visa applicant could lead to his/her visa denial??? If they do get irritated by such emails, then I better stop disturbing them. What do you say? Looking forward to your replies.
In one of the emails I even asked them if they were aware of the 30th September deadline in case of Diversity Visas!!!!
Hi friends,
I write an email to the embassy once a month, and each time they give a reply that my case is pending administrative Processing. I was wondering if they don't like this behavior of mine, because it is clearly mentioned on their website that one should contact them only when 6 months have passed since the time of the interview. And do you think such an irritating behavior of a visa applicant could lead to his/her visa denial??? If they do get irritated by such emails, then I better stop disturbing them. What do you say? Looking forward to your replies.

I don't think you have much choice Gabam. You can't just sit on your hands being polite while they do nothing and the deadline passes.

I think I would be starting to line up a lawyer, preferably someone with contacts at the embassy. All you really need the lawyer to do is make a couple of calls and get them to look at the case - and for that you want the most powerful lawyer available. It might cost a few hundred dollars but it's better than waiting endlessly...

Shaking the trees might get a good result or a bad result, but right now they have hit the pause button on your life and that is just plainly unfair.
I don't think you have much choice Gabam. You can't just sit on your hands being polite while they do nothing and the deadline passes.

I think I would be starting to line up a lawyer, preferably someone with contacts at the embassy. All you really need the lawyer to do is make a couple of calls and get them to look at the case - and for that you want the most powerful lawyer available. It might cost a few hundred dollars but it's better than waiting endlessly...

Shaking the trees might get a good result or a bad result, but right now they have hit the pause button on your life and that is just plainly unfair.
You are also right brother about contacting the embassy through a lawyer. But you know what, we can also not ignore the fact that most of the AP's have been finished in the last week of September, some of them being issued visas on 30th September. So, these are the things that keep me going till now, giving me hopes!!!!!!!!!!
You are also right brother about contacting the embassy through a lawyer. But you know what, we can also not ignore the fact that most of the AP's have been finished in the last week of September, some of them being issued visas on 30th September. So, these are the things that keep me going till now, giving me hopes!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm sure that is what they will do - process it in the last week of September, but that will take nerves of steel to wait that long and if they miss it there is no right of appeal. You could start looking for a lawyer now and most lawyers would do an initial consultation for free to see if they can help your case. Maybe you decide not to bring the lawyer in until mid September, but you don't want to be in a position where there isn't enough time to sort things out if the embassy insist on some other documentation.

I'm sending good vibes and fingers crossed for you...
Yeah, I'm sure that is what they will do - process it in the last week of September, but that will take nerves of steel to wait that long and if they miss it there is no right of appeal. You could start looking for a lawyer now and most lawyers would do an initial consultation for free to see if they can help your case. Maybe you decide not to bring the lawyer in until mid September, but you don't want to be in a position where there isn't enough time to sort things out if the embassy insist on some other documentation.

I'm sending good vibes and fingers crossed for you...
Thanks for the advice and well wishes. But you know what, it is next to impossible to expedite Administrative Processing, nobody can do anything except waiting. The only way to win is to play waiting and patience game, so let's see what happens. Last year there was a guy who was really going through hard times. Till September 29th, he had no news whatsoever from the embassy. And it was only September 29th when the embassy gave him a call that his visa was ready!!!!
Thanks for the advice and well wishes. But you know what, it is next to impossible to expedite Administrative Processing, nobody can do anything except waiting. The only way to win is to play waiting and patience game, so let's see what happens. Last year there was a guy who was really going through hard times. Till September 29th, he had no news whatsoever from the embassy. And it was only September 29th when the embassy gave him a call that his visa was ready!!!!

Wow - it is going to be a tense time for you then. I hope they don't push it right to the deadline - that just seems cruel.
I just got the reply for my email, and here is what it says.Dear Sir/Madam,

Please refer to our email ofJune 28, 2013. This email clearly indicates the administrative Processingsituation in your case. Unless this situation has changed, we will nothave a reason to get back to you or review this case again. May we remindthat the said visa application cannot be processed any further while the adminprocessing is pending.


This is what I saw at US Embassy's website in Ankara, Turkey. I am sure they will finish processing before Sep 30th.

"Attention All 2013 Diversity Visa Applicants: Please note that as the DV 2013 program ends on 30-September-2013 we have updated the expiration dates of the administrative processes accordingly. In order to avoid any additional processing that may occur please come to the Embassy as soon as you see your case number posted on our website"

Thanks dear, remember us(the AP guys) in your prayers.

This is what I saw at US Embassy's website in Ankara, Turkey. I am sure they will finish processing before Sep 30th.

"Attention All 2013 Diversity Visa Applicants: Please note that as the DV 2013 program ends on 30-September-2013 we have updated the expiration dates of the administrative processes accordingly. In order to avoid any additional processing that may occur please come to the Embassy as soon as you see your case number posted on our website"
Thanks for sharing this with us brother!:) Could you please share the link to this article as well?
Here is the interview schedule for August/September -> http://www.usemb-ankara.org.tr/consular/english/schedule_dv.html
They are not doing many interviews in September, they might have reserved sometime to finish AP people. I don't know this is the case for your embassy.

Thanks dear. Have you noticed something interesting there? They are only interviewing DV cases up to 15 September, and not after that. There must be some logic behind that decision, I think they want to have that extra time of 2 weeks. What do you think?
Here is the interview schedule for August/September -> http://www.usemb-ankara.org.tr/consular/english/schedule_dv.html
They are not doing many interviews in September, they might have reserved sometime to finish AP people. I don't know this is the case for your embassy.
Yes, I also think the same, they reserve those two weeks for AP. The good news is that, if they want on emergency bases, they can even finish off AP in under two weeks, so that's a good sign for guys under AP.
Yes, I also think the same, they reserve those two weeks for AP. The good news is that, if they want on emergency bases, they can even finish off AP in under two weeks, so that's a good sign for guys under AP.

That does seem encouraging...
Hi friends,
I write an email to the embassy once a month, and each time they give a reply that my case is pending administrative Processing. I was wondering if they don't like this behavior of mine, because it is clearly mentioned on their website that one should contact them only when 6 months have passed since the time of the interview. And do you think such an irritating behavior of a visa applicant could lead to his/her visa denial??? If they do get irritated by such emails, then I better stop disturbing them. What do you say? Looking forward to your replies.

reasons for delays can be even trivial, such as: they want you to be on hold as many people make an entry to the state at the time...
Thanks dear. Have you noticed something interesting there? They are only interviewing DV cases up to 15 September, and not after that. There must be some logic behind that decision, I think they want to have that extra time of 2 weeks. What do you think?
I think they do not have many DV applicants in September (cutoff both both AS and EU was current in August). They try to shift everybody who wants to have an interview in September in the first half so that they might be able to schedule others for the second half, for those who submit their documents at the very last moment.
In DV-2012 they switched to one-week schedule in September, and now they are switching to two-week schedule from a regular monthly schedule.