AOS interview experience in Los Angeles...some advice for everyone...and a question


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Had my AOS interview scheduled for 11:30AM today morning. Reached LA DO at 9AM - and checked in. I was called in at 9:30AM. The officer who interviewed me was the head AO. Asked me and my wife no questions. Some casual chit-chat. Very nice guy. Went through all check boxes. Told me that he CAN'T APPROVE IT - as BACKGROUND CHECK WAS PENDING. Asked me to check back after 3 months if I dont hear back by then.

Question: What can I do to expedite my background check? Can I check the status some where? Any advise from anyone who went through this before? Any timelines posted for this somewhere?

Advise to everyone: I wore a very expensive suit with tie. My wife also wore very good professional clothes. There were about 30 more people in the waiting room - everyone except lawyers were dressed in baggy jeans and hats and tees. I believe that it was a very good reason that the officer was nice and helpful to me.

This forum helped me a lot to prepare - thanks a lot everyoe.
My expereince

I'm not sure I can asnwer the question but I'll share my experreince. My interview expereince was somehow similar to your except that the officer who interview us was another officer and he was very nice and chit-chating about my country traditional food instead of some other questions relating to the case. and of course he told us the same pending thing and the same reason and told us to call back in three months. Well it's was May 12 ,2003 then. I'm still waitting for my GC!!!

Oh! the interviewee also told us that they (USCIS) will submitted the experdite name check request and I saw him do some thing on the computer right at that moment which I can see that he was submitting a documentaton and the receipient was FBI.

Best Regards
USCIS has a limited number of expedite request slots that they can submit to the FBI NNCP, and they save these slots for settlement of lawsuits brought against them (for both AOS and naturalization).

In other words, you can do nothing to expedite the name check. All you can do is wait until a relatively unreasonable time has passed, and then you can file a writ of mandamus forcing USCIS to expedite your background check.

Good luck.
I got my name cleared in less than 1 month after the interview and received the green card so don't lose hope, unless you have a very common name or sth then you are basically screwed.
TooCoolForThis said:
I got my name cleared in less than 1 month after the interview and received the green card so don't lose hope, unless you have a very common name or sth then you are basically screwed.

well.. thats not really true. My last name is very very common and yet surprisingly the name check was completed by the time i went for the interview. There are a lot of factors that determine the name check clearing, not just common last name
Yep I agree with ari, my last name is like smith or lee but my name check was cleared before the interview, so I think it's luck but they may be some other factors too.
I disagree

TooCoolForThis said:
I got my name cleared in less than 1 month after the interview and received the green card so don't lose hope, unless you have a very common name or sth then you are basically screwed.

Hello there,
I sorry but I disagree , the common name and also the basically SC thing,

My name is not at all commom and only SC thibg I have ever done were park my car over night some where it was not belong and drove 95 mails/hour on 101 freeway at 1:00 to go home to see my sick habby :)

Best Regards,
The entire process is such a matter of luck - AOS interview and Namechecks being the worst.

While I am stuck in a namecheck, can I apply for a Travel documentat least? I already applied for one with my initial applications - but the AO advised me that wait for some time before re-requesting one.

It is my understanding that if your AOS is still pending you can request other services that are along with the main application.

Good luck,