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AOS / $100 Fee to Dept of State


Registered Users (C)
For anyone who did AOS: there is page in the Notification Letter thas says - if you do AOS rather than CP, send $100 to Department of State as a Visa Processing Fee. This is in addition to the $385 fee that I sent to USCIS. The address that they give for $100 Fee is in Pittsburg, PA. My lawyer advised me to send this once I receive the receipt that my AOS was filed. So, I did it. In 1.5 week, I got the whole thing back - it came back from KCC, saying they don't take payments for the processing of immigrant visa's petitions. So, it's confusing: they thought I sent the fee for AOS application in the wrong place, while I was sending visa fee, as instructed. Or maybe my lawyers instructed me incorrectly and I should only send the visa processing fee when my AOS is actually approved rather than just filed. Please share your experience. Thanks
no, the $100 fee has to be submitted before the interview. As for the correct address, perhaps, you want to call KCC, and find out for sure where the $100 payment needs to be sent.
Hi LucyMo
the situation seem to differ from consulate to consulate.i received a similar instruction but when i verified at the consulate concerned, i was told to bring all the fee on the day of my interview and that i did.
Marianna is asking about AOS, not consular processing. In a case of a consular processing, you pay the fees right before the interview, at the consulate. Different rules apply to AOSing people.
fee wasn't cashed yet but interview close


I have sent my fee to Pittsburgh on 4/20, but didn't get any reply yet (money order wasn't cashed by now). I have AOS interview on 5/13. Could my case be delayed because of failure to present a receipt?