Anyone with RD 6/01 and earlier are still waiting?

My RD is 5/1/2001 and ND is 6/18/2001.

I don't know what i should do?

Contact senators? or Call NCSC?

Please advice, my finger prints are expiring in 40 days.

So i don't know whether i should be angry or pity of
my self.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I observe most us unlucky ones also did FP in 11/02 to 1/03 range. Looks like TSC bypassed us.

KrishnaKumar Lingamneni,

I do not think calling NCSC helps. I tried twice and only got angrier after that. Have you tried writing to TSC directly? What did your lawyer say?

Since BCIS's published processing date is past yours, you should contact your local Senator and ask them to follow up on your case. Calling NSC may not help you much.
I completely understand your frustration. Good luck!!
Good luck.