Anyone with no current US employer


Take experience letter from your current employer (in India). Pay stubs may not suffice. Experience letter is needed.

It applies to even those who are working in US at interview time. If their sponsorer is same as their current employer, then one letter is enough since it mentions that the candidate is currently working with them and they are continuing him after GC.

If you are not working for a diff. employer, then you need exp. letter from this current employer also.
Can anyone here please tell me what the automated tel message "case completed . Await futhur instructions in 8 weeks" means? Is this the stage where my case is sent to the consulate?
or will I hear another different message when my case is sent to to the consulate?

When will I hear of the visa number in the automated tel message system?

Any input regarding this is appreciated. Thanks.
Originally posted by visa1
Can anyone here please tell me what the automated tel message "case completed . Await futhur instructions in 8 weeks" means? Is this the stage where my case is sent to the consulate?
or will I hear another different message when my case is sent to to the consulate?

When will I hear of the visa number in the automated tel message system?

Any input regarding this is appreciated. Thanks.

If you case has been reviewed, then it will be sent to the conulate in abt. couple fo weeks. The AVM will say so.

BTW, what visa no. are you expecting from the AVM?
Came back from the PC interview just now. Will post my experience in the thread for "Likely Mumbai CP Interview in April, May, June 2004"

About experience letters:

I had notarized offer letter from the US company. I had an experience letter from the Indian company (currently employed with them). I even had payslips from my Indian company.

All that the lady asked for was the offer letter from the US company.

Note that I was working for the US company in 1999-2000 and I have been working with their Indian affiliate for the past 4 years. Moreover, my passport shows that I have travelled to and fro a number of times on a Business visa.

I will post the rest of my experience later :)

Congratulations on Successful CP Interview. Happy US Life...

So, when are you planning to enter US?

Congratulations,Way to go..!!

I am also in same situation...worked for the same company at US and in india...for about 4 years.


What were the questions asked by the Visa Officer?What are extra stuffs need to carry?in your case.
