Anyone with EAC-00-021-XXXXX still around? Please post. EOM.

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it is a kind of relief to see your message. i thought i was the only one. mine is eb1 00-076, it has been under review for 6 weeks, i just called today, still no decision. no RFE either. Is there anybody else out there? Am I too impatient? Seeing so many June cases, it is really hard to be calm.
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I too am getting restless, waking in the middle of night to dial VSC and talk to an IIO, only to find out it is night and they are close.

PD: 10/98
ND: 11/99
EAC: 00-027
RFE Received by INS as per AVM: 5/25/01
Waiting to hear some news....
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eac-00-013-xxxxx still waiting, talking to these iio\'s make no sense as they tend to give different answers everytime, there is absolutely no method to this MADNESS....
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I think your case handling heavily depends on the attitude of the officer to whom it is assigned, in other words your luck! Does anyone know an effective way to let someone at INS know about this certainly existing problem (non-uniformity of case handling)? Or is INS not interested in curing its own disease?