Anyone with a name check pengind for 1.5 year?


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Took them more than one month to respond:

This is in reference to your facsimile dated June 14, 2004, concerning your immigration status.

A review of the Name Check Program database revealed that a request from the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for you was received on January 16, 2003, and is currently in a pending status. Due to increased national security concerns, in December 2002 to early 2003, the USCIS submitted an additional 2.7 million name checks for processing to the FBI. Although 99.5% of these cases have been processed, we are still clearing residuals for these cases. While this is causing delays in the processing of subsequent USCIS submissions, we are working diligently to process requests as expeditiously as possible.

Sincerely yours,
David M. Hardy
Vitaliy said:
Took them more than one month to respond:

This is in reference to your facsimile dated June 14, 2004, concerning your immigration status.

A review of the Name Check Program database revealed that a request from the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for you was received on January 16, 2003, and is currently in a pending status. Due to increased national security concerns, in December 2002 to early 2003, the USCIS submitted an additional 2.7 million name checks for processing to the FBI. Although 99.5% of these cases have been processed, we are still clearing residuals for these cases. While this is causing delays in the processing of subsequent USCIS submissions, we are working diligently to process requests as expeditiously as possible.

Sincerely yours,
David M. Hardy
Is yours a very common name ?
Does it have a middle-eastern/Muslim twist to it ?

Maybe that can delay such open-ended processes ...
Not very common russian first and pretty rare last name.
Nothing in common with muslim names.
Some paralegal sent a fax to USCIS by my request and then they called back
saying that it could take months for FBI to clear up.
Mine is in security check for almost a year now (or may be more).

Interesting thing is that a lady from FBI called (upon inquiring) and left me a message that my name check was done in December 2002 (yes two).

However, INS keeps giving me (and my lawyer) the same crap of security/name check.

Never got a response to the fax to FBI. The phone call was responded
After reading lot of messages on newsgroup and messages posted on this forum, I do not see a correlation between commonname/sr country and delay in checks. Some unlucky applicants are stuck for no reason and common names are getting approved in reasonable time.
Just bad luck sfbay_area_guy!!!
That sounds more like a joke.

USCIS must have sent all past applicants to FBI in 2002-2003 all at once: here you go, those people have been in the country many years, since they are already here, no hurry, take your time......It is not like they are going to become terrorists soon.....

Why don't they process pending cases first, or give it more resources? If they don't know how to prioritize the work, just say it....
Got a call from FBI lady this morning that my name check was done on Octorber 4th and they sent results back.
Contacted a congresswoman for my district on September 10th,
they asked me for some extra information and sent a request to the FBI from
their behalf and 623 days later they finished my check.
Two my own requests were not answered by FBI.
Next to sfbay_area_guy..

I am wac02-046, 3 day after sfbay_area_guy. Spouse stucked in name check. Mine was cleared last May. Congressman said till spouse is also clear, can't move forward my case.

Is this true? Everytime, I call the congressman's assistant, she can find it out in less than one hour and tell me what's the status. Is that right? Does she need to file a paper request to FBI? Or maybe she called her insider in FBI.

Congresswoman assistant asked me for the e-mail that FBI sent me the first time and then they filed a written request.
HE told me that it can take up to 1 month to get a response.
Stranglely, he was talking about CIA in my case.
We got confirmation from the AILA liaison that my security check is pending. A few days later sent a fax to the FBI about the details. It's been over two months but I haven't received any reply yet. I tried to contact the congresswoman about this but without a reply from the FBI they can't initiate any investigation. You also mentioned some e-mails that you sent. Could you please give me the address?
Thanks. I'll try the e-mail.
Do you know of any particular reason why your name check had been pending for such a long time?
I am Russian too, but besides that I don't see anything in my past that may interest anyone here to the point that it would take them years to investigate me.
Do you know if anything in the name check can trigger I-485 denial?
I am female, so no "voennaya kafedra".
I was still under 14 when VLKSM ceased to exist.
I did graduate from an engineering school that required low-level security clearance to most of the classes, and I am not sure whether this was in the petition. I guess this must be it.
Thanks. Is there any way to contact you directly? I don't have any yahoo or hotmail account, only my company's which I can't disclose on this website.
YOu can send e-mail to me by clicking on my name -> user profile->
Send a message via email to Vitaliy
Vitaliy said:
Got a call from FBI lady this morning that my name check was done on Octorber 4th and they sent results back.
Contacted a congresswoman for my district on September 10th,
they asked me for some extra information and sent a request to the FBI from
their behalf and 623 days later they finished my check.
Two my own requests were not answered by FBI.

Vitaliy, rad chto etot koshmar dlya Vas zakonchilsya. Menya tozhe muryzhili pochti 20 mesyacev.

One advice for you and everybody else. In my case the FBI cleared me on August 19, 2004, but even as late as Sept 3, 2004 the CSC still have not seen the clearance on their computers... (I called their emergency number twice to check how things are moving up). Finally on Sept 10, 2004 I got a letter from senator's office dated Sept 8, 2004 that my namecheck had beem cleared. Our cases got approved five days later (I attribute the speed of the adjudication to the fact that my university's Chancellor nagged CIS earlier about my case, so they probably completed everything and waited for the name check clearance).

One way or another you certainly cleared the major hurdle- now things should be easier.
Just keep bugging them until you hear that your case is with the adjudicator.
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