Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Help me please

Hi all,

Can any one tell whether I should call AUSA and explain him the situation. In fact my first fingerprints were expired and USCIS has not send me any notice for second fingerprints as of yet. So informing the same to AUSA would help me to speedup this process in any case? I am thinking they will take long time to get this done in the mutual correspondence between AUSA and USCIS I guess.

Any tips to finish the case within the 60 days instead of going for extension. Thanks a lot.
gcmera2 said:
Hi all,

Can any one tell whether I should call AUSA and explain him the situation. In fact my first fingerprints were expired and USCIS has not send me any notice for second fingerprints as of yet. So informing the same to AUSA would help me to speedup this process in any case? I am thinking they will take long time to get this done in the mutual correspondence between AUSA and USCIS I guess.

Any tips to finish the case within the 60 days instead of going for extension. Thanks a lot.

Few points:
1- you should call AUSA, but not bug him or her, you want them to be on your side and they won't if you call them all the time, they are busy people and have a lot of other cases to work on. Call the first time after 2-3 weeks from the time you filed. Be polite, clear, assertive and breif. Depends on how the conversation go, you may wanna call again a week or two before the deadline.
2- Don't worry about the details like the FP, the importnat thing is for them to clear your name, once that is done they will ask you for FP. Let the process take its course.
3- I am not sure you can do much to help the case be resolved within 60 days, again let the process go, some people on the forum had their case resolved in 10 days and some people in 4 months.
Good luck
Hi AL11 (or any other warriors fighting in Seattle court),

I am in Seattle area also. I am going to file WOM this weekend and hopefully will send everything out early next week.

I read your post before that you also sued" Julia L Harrison" as "DO"? IS it "director officer". I thought it would be "Jack Bennett" as a Seattle district director of USCIS. I don't want to miss anyone who should be on the list.

It is Jack W. Bennett. You can check USCIS's web site at

jzdc said:
Hi AL11 (or any other warriors fighting in Seattle court),

I am in Seattle area also. I am going to file WOM this weekend and hopefully will send everything out early next week.

I read your post before that you also sued" Julia L Harrison" as "DO"? IS it "director officer". I thought it would be "Jack Bennett" as a Seattle district director of USCIS. I don't want to miss anyone who should be on the list.

jzdc said:
Hi AL11 (or any other warriors fighting in Seattle court),

I am in Seattle area also. I am going to file WOM this weekend and hopefully will send everything out early next week.

I read your post before that you also sued" Julia L Harrison" as "DO"? IS it "director officer". I thought it would be "Jack Bennett" as a Seattle district director of USCIS. I don't want to miss anyone who should be on the list.


Jack W. Bennett
AL11 and others to advise

Hi AL11:

Thank you AL11 for the response. I have seen your case and it sounds like you got the fingerprints second time asked about 2 weeks after you filed the WOM. Do u think it is because of the the WOM or it is incidental?
Also did your NAME check cleared before or after WOM?

I am worried about my first fingerprints that are expired one month back but the good thing is my name check got cleared as per the officer at infopass(not sure though). On the other hand he says it is under security check which confuses me a lot. Can I push AUSA for second fingerprints at all. Thanks.
gcmera2 said:
Hi AL11:

Thank you AL11 for the response. I have seen your case and it sounds like you got the fingerprints second time asked about 2 weeks after you filed the WOM. Do u think it is because of the the WOM or it is incidental?
Also did your NAME check cleared before or after WOM?

I am worried about my first fingerprints that are expired one month back but the good thing is my name check got cleared as per the officer at infopass(not sure though). On the other hand he says it is under security check which confuses me a lot. Can I push AUSA for second fingerprints at all. Thanks.

Second FP was due to WOM as the FP appointment letter had the word Mandamus on the bottom with big bold letters. My name check was cleared on 8/16 about 6 weeks after WOM was filed.
USCIS does different their own name check, I think it is called "IBIS" but not sure, and some people on this forum were stuck in that one and not the FBI one. Your AUSA should be able to tell you what is the hang up.
Don't waist your time pushing for FP since it does not mean any thing really, once they are ready to approve your case, if your FP is expired they will have you do anoher one and they usually get the results back the same or following day.

Good luck
finally got the approval (i485 case) pending since sept - 2003

Thanks to this forum and to some key members of this forum for
putting in so much info. After a long and tiring 3yrs, I finally did get
my I485 approval emails today. I went thru all the trials & tribulations
which others have gone thru.

Letters to Congresswoman, Letters to Senators, Letters to Ombusman,
Letter to First Lady, innumerable phone calls by me, my companies
attorneys and not to mention letters to famous Hooton and Hardy
club. Obviously, all these efforts bore no fruit and I had no other
option than to go the litigation route

I weighed in between going Pro Se or thru laywers. At the time of my
filing, some of the users in this forum were getting a tough time from defense lawyers, so I decided to hire one. The lawyer was nice, kept my
complaint quite succint in nature (whereas my own prepared had the
whole saga mentioend in it) and his fees was nominal too (something
managebale and definately not in the stratospheric range).

Once the writ was filed, after elapse of 60 day window, 30 days were
requested more which were duly granted by my lawyer. At the day of
expiration of extention period all the activity happened, resulting
in approvals. :)

My best wishes to folks who are traversing thru wait period of their
wom complaints in process and also for those who are in the contemplating phase. Go for it and this is the only way out of this

I guess I'll return to this portal at the time of my naturlization,
to see what new policies have sprung up and how they are impeding
the process at that time.


my timeline
Labor Prio date (7/2001) -> I485 9/2003 -> approvals end of Aug/2006
Hi Moonwalker

Hi Moonwalker:

Could you tell me how long it took for the name check and finger prints (if u did) to complete after the WOM petition.

Please also check your private message box.
name check and biometrics


Name check was pending since Oct, 2003. Despite my repeated
requests to NNCP group from all angles, my files just kept accumulating
dust and nothing else. I had gone thru 3 cycles of ead/ap. Luckily, my
biometrics for I485 were taken last year October timeframe. I understand
that these hold valid for atleast a year. I guess thats why no need for me
to go and show ASC my fingers ;) again. My online status reads that
cards should be getting mailed soon (2-3 weeks time)

address of Emilio Gonzales?

Who knows the mailing address of the Director of USCIS Emilio Gonzalez? I can't find it anywhere. I googled, searched at USCIS website. They only list the district addresses there. :mad: I need the director's address to serve him. Anyone helps me? Thanks a lot!
Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of the Chief Counsel
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Rm 4025
Washington, DC 20529

jzdc said:
Who knows the mailing address of the Director of USCIS Emilio Gonzalez? I can't find it anywhere. I googled, searched at USCIS website. They only list the district addresses there. :mad: I need the director's address to serve him. Anyone helps me? Thanks a lot!
Contemplating Lawsuit on Pending N400, need advice

Hi, All, I am seeking advice on my planned WOM action, here is my timeline:

06/18/2003: Filed N400 at VSC;
06/23/2003: Priority Date
08/14/2004: Fingerprints taken in Newark, NJ
xx/09/2004: Filed AR-11 and Moved to Delaware
Case moved Philadelphia office
xx/10/2004: Received interview descheduled notice (1st)
xx/04/2005: Received interview descheduled notice (2nd)
made trip for Infopass, learned that case pending on name check;
name check submitted in 06/2003
26/12/2005: infopass again, still pending on name check
05/01/2006: wrote to Senators for help, received CIS reply as pending on
name check, and Senator office can't do nothin about it;
25/01/2006: 2nd request to Senator for direct FBi inquiry, no reply received;
xx/05/2006: wrote to Whitehouse for help, no reply
20/08/2006: wrote to Congressman for help, specifically request direct FBi inquiry, waiting for reply;

Planned Action:
10/2006: To write to DHS Ombudsman for case problem;
01/2007: To File WOM

Since my case hasn't passed interview stage, I cannot resort to 1447(b),
WOM is my path. I am seeking comments from gurus here, see if what
I do is "exhausting all administrative remedies". Also any input is appreciated.
GetThere said:
Hi, All, I am seeking advice on my planned WOM action, here is my timeline:

06/18/2003: Filed N400 at VSC;
06/23/2003: Priority Date
08/14/2004: Fingerprints taken in Newark, NJ
xx/09/2004: Filed AR-11 and Moved to Delaware
Case moved Philadelphia office
xx/10/2004: Received interview descheduled notice (1st)
xx/04/2005: Received interview descheduled notice (2nd)
made trip for Infopass, learned that case pending on name check;
name check submitted in 06/2003
26/12/2005: infopass again, still pending on name check
05/01/2006: wrote to Senators for help, received CIS reply as pending on
name check, and Senator office can't do nothin about it;
25/01/2006: 2nd request to Senator for direct FBi inquiry, no reply received;
xx/05/2006: wrote to Whitehouse for help, no reply
20/08/2006: wrote to Congressman for help, specifically request direct FBi inquiry, waiting for reply;

Planned Action:
10/2006: To write to DHS Ombudsman for case problem;
01/2007: To File WOM

Since my case hasn't passed interview stage, I cannot resort to 1447(b),
WOM is my path. I am seeking comments from gurus here, see if what
I do is "exhausting all administrative remedies". Also any input is appreciated.

Hi There, I'm almost in the same situation. Read below, i advice you to use an attorney since it's a WOM. File right away and don't wait until 1/07, there's no point sice you already been waiting for three years.


moody22 said:
Hi There, I'm almost in the same situation. Read below, i advice you to use an attorney since it's a WOM. File right away and don't wait until 1/07, there's no point sice you already been waiting for three years.



Thanks, Moody, Could you please share your approach to find a capable lawyer? has your lawyer handled similar case before? Many thanks!
GetThere said:
Thanks, Moody, Could you please share your approach to find a capable lawyer? has your lawyer handled similar case before? Many thanks!

Yes he did, and that's why i'm going with him since he already had handeled these cases before.

to fined a lawyer who handled these cases in your area, you should register in the pacer, or go to :

start calling them, and see who will fit your needs.

Good Luck,

Finally, my I-485 approved

Dear all,

Now, I can report back my experience with my 1-485. Filed WOM on May 19 at NJ District Court, USA was served on May 25. The AUSA was very kind and professional. At the end of 60 days, he filed a 15 day extension. Then I was asked to go for a 2nd FP, and I agreed with the AUSA for another 30 day extension with the due day at Sep 7th. Ten days after the USCIS received the fingerprints results, my case was approved. Yesterday morning, I received the approval email, what a long wait!

My wife's case is still pending though.

This is a great site and I learned a lot from everyone! You made me believe that the Law is on our side and we should fight for ourselves.

Cheers! :)
jzdc said:
Thanks AL11 and syt! So who is Julia L Harrison? Do I have to sue her since I am in Seattle area? Excuse me if this sounds silly.

Julia Harrison is the previous District Director, this is who I named in my lawsute. you just name jack Bennett in yours for the Seattle District Director.
Good luck