Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Eastbayer said:
Hi Syt,

I have not received the oath invitation letter yet. But I called the US Att. office. I was told USCIS has scheduled me for the oath ceremony on 7/11!

I should be getting this letter shortly. Thanks for your "advanced" information, and good luck to your fighting :) !

mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.
Very Many Congratulations... You did it... You are one of those examples we in this forum look at... you proved once again that hard work pays in the end... You have Very Good Leadership Skills... I am sure you will try to as much as you can will lead us... I can proudly say I have made a new friend "A friend in need is a friend indeed"... Thank you and Good Luck in your new journey...

PS: Soon I will be sending you my preparations...
Haddy said:
Very Many Congratulations... You did it... You are one of those examples we in this forum look at... you proved once again that hard work pays in the end... You have Very Good Leadership Skills... I am sure you will try to as much as you can will lead us... I can proudly say I have made a new friend "A friend in need is a friend indeed"... Thank you and Good Luck in your new journey...

PS: Soon I will be sending you my preparations...
thanks haddy, XU 111 , and all fo you, balto( you have to waive that case info on me plaese, i have been a little distracted lately, because i was at the point of exploding , so i havent been really doing much, so yes i owe you that, but a sure you can excuse me).
i probably will lose my other fight, but oh well, you win some , you loose some,
good luck guys, and i will stay here , with you, i will do what have always been doing(nothing), even know the thread is been growing exponatially, will still try to do our best in helping each other , it have worked before, and am sure it will work again
mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.

sallam, hello Mohamed

Congratulations man, way to go
nothing really

maoliz said:
Now I have the phone number and email of this guy. Should I contact him so early or should I wait until one month before the deadline?

kabi24 , I remember you sent email to AUSA. What did you say to him?

hey there. i actually just emailed er to introduce myself and offer any help possible to get the case taken care of, nothing special. i also wanted to give te AUSA a hint that i am staying on top of my case in case they take to long. in your spot i would do exactly the same thing...good luck.
the same thing happened to me!

wimgc said:
As other members mentioned before, afer filing WOM, the USCIS online message changed to:
"Your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received on April 27, 2004. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. Follow the the link below for current processing dates."
Is this a good sign?
I also received the 2nd FP notice because my 1st FP will expire this month. I don't know if this is due to the lawsuit or they just do their job as they should do?
Any idea?
the same thing happened to me, a change in the message from USCIS.GOV and a letter for my 2nd fingerprinting. are you in seattle? i am wondering if this is hapening across the the US.
I think the case has definitely something to do with it... they're getting to work :)
sanka said:
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, but I has been reading it for a while. First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone on this forum for so many valuable posts, which I couldn't find anywhere else. :)

On 5/31 we also filed a 1447 complaint after one year of waiting. So far, nobody has contacted us from US att office. Today, we turned in returned receipts (small, green card), however, we got only 3 real return receipts out of 6. Other 3 we just printed out of the UPS web site.

I have a question to everyone. Does anybody know about 1447 cases in Austin, TX (Western District of Texas)? I saw that somebody mentioned smth about checking case status (and fidning similar cases) on PACER. Could you pls explain how to do it?

Also, could you please suggest when is the best time to call US att. Their office was served on 6/2?

Thank you so much. I'll keep updating everyone about our case.
Welcome and good luck. i think all the district have pretty much the same procedure. Our goal is to get CIS working on our cases and not really confrontation in the justice system.( unless we have to anyways) :D

mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.
Congratulations!!! I wish you the best!
man that clerk is a jerk

ls691035 said:
Hi guys!

Today I went to the clerk to submit certificates of service. I got all the printouts from, and only one green card.

1.The clerk refused to accept anything but green return cards. :mad: And he almost turned out the only card I have because it doesn't get signature of receiver, but only a stamp (from USCIS TSC).

2.He said he does not need a proof of service for US District attorney, and I did not need to serve him.

My question is - is it possible not to receive some of the green receipts? Like other party is not signing and sending it intentionally, or postman makes sure he gets signature and mails it?

And another question - is clerk right about everything? :confused:

hey there,
looks like that clerk is a real jerk, the printout was fine in my case and so many other cases. try to send it by mail and see if it goes through, maybe someone else will get it. because if you have to wait for the green receipts you might be waiting for a wile. i just got my last one back a last week, al torn apart and no signature, no name, only "DHS" with tape all over it to put it together,,, makes me think that some moron was not happy of te fact i am suing the government :mad:
good luck.
Mohammed*2 congrats

Congratulations man. it is well deserved victory. celebrate and focus on your next goal CITIZENSHIP.
good luck
mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.

Mohamedx2 congratulatios for...both of you ;) :D :D
I will email him today. Thank you! :)

kabi24 said:
hey there. i actually just emailed er to introduce myself and offer any help possible to get the case taken care of, nothing special. i also wanted to give te AUSA a hint that i am staying on top of my case in case they take to long. in your spot i would do exactly the same thing...good luck.
mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.

Congratulations Mohamed! This is great!!! Please do continue to share your expertise with others in this forum.

Best Regards
I am in St. Paul, MN

kabi24 said:
the same thing happened to me, a change in the message from USCIS.GOV and a letter for my 2nd fingerprinting. are you in seattle? i am wondering if this is hapening across the the US.
I think the case has definitely something to do with it... they're getting to work :)

I am in St. Paul, MN. I just called USCIS and the lady said my NC is still pending. She said somebody might touch my case so the online message changed. I think this is definitely due to WOM.
Thanks to everyone replied. I'll wait for some time for the green receipts, and go to get a printouts from postoffice, if needed. All the times I've been to the court, the clerk was the same, and the only one. We'll see :D
sfaizullah said:
One more update on my case: I received a reply from USCIS in response to my letter to Mr. Chertoff (that I wrote prior to filing my case under 1447(b)). Basically it is the same, "Dear Dr. XXX,.... name check pending... blah blah." Not any useful information. I just filed it for the day if the judge wants to see my correspondence with officials.

I received another letter, this one is from Mr. Hooton and it is of some use. It is in response to my letter to White House (dated 03/28/06) which was forwarded to DoJ which was then forwarded to FBI. After a lengthy discussion about the FOIPA results and name checks (perhaps that I cited that FOIPA showed "no records"), it states that my name check request was received from USCIS on 05/14/05 (so the first InfoPass agent was right and not the second which said 05/08/05; not that it matters -:)) and then it states that "the submission was processed and finalized on 05/31/06. The results were forwarded to the USCIS Headquarters, Washington, DC."

So, it is done but it does not say what the result is. I suppose this is the common language they must be using? Any comments Suzy, Mohamed, BigK, other friends?

One can conclude that letters to White House are more useful than the Congressman, Senators or USCIS/DHS/FBI. I would suggest to folks who are waiting to complete their 120 days before filing their 1447(b) to write to White House on priority basis as it took around 2 months and 10 days for me for the answer to come. With this information before my filing, perhaps I would not have needed to file.

On my 1447(b) front, I called the District Attorney's office on 06/08/06 (after a month and 3 days from my filing and a little less than a month since serving the District Attorney). The lady who received my call forwarded me to another lady who took my case# and after a while came back and asked for my phone and told me he will contact me. I politely asked about his name and she said so far no one is assigned to my case. I did not push it and said I will call next week.

Question: do I send Mr. Hooton’s letter to the court and District Attorney?

Just curious, do you think that it had also something to do with my case or it is entirely based on White House intervention?

I personally think it is not related to my case filing which makes me think that it is a good idea not to waste months with Congressman/Senators and write to others (like White House) later where you will not have sufficient time and will rush to file. I am not suggesting that you do not contact Congressman/Senators offices, please do so to show to the judge, if need be, that you tried other avenues, but do not wait until they reply back to you, most like after 60 days, stating the same thing the interviewing office told you.

Best Regards

One more update: I called the DA office to ask for the Attorney assigned to my case and make sure that they received my mail (sent certified return receipt requested) and it is in the attorney's hand. The lady who can check the system that shows who is assigned to what case was not available and I left her message and she called back. I gave her my case# and asked her if she can tell me who is the attorney assigned and confirm that they received the letter. I also said that this letter should help me and them to save time as it shows that the very thing that USCIS said are waiting for is done. She said she will call back. I check and gave her the exact time when my letter was received in their office.

In the afternoon the attorney called me, very courteous, asked for me by last name, when I said that is me, he introduced himself that he is assigned to my case. He confirmed that he received the letter (from Mr. Hooton) that I have sent to them. He stated that they have until middle of July to have their answer. I said yes, and also added that I thought this letter will help me and him to save time and get my case resolved. He said, yes but said I don't even have your file yet (I suppose he meant from USCIS), and these cases of naturalizations/green cards are checked by FBI, custom, etc. (I don't know how accurate he was) and I told him that per USCIS for my case they were only waiting for this name check. He said he will work on it and sent the letter to USCIS. I asked about his full name once again and asked for his number and he gave me those. Our call was ended. No negativity and anything like that. He was very polite and courteous in his conversation. I thanked him for his help.

Hope this can be resolved soon.

Best Regards
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mohamedmohamed said:
i just got back from work, opned my mailbox, to find a letter fromt the uscis district office saying that, my i 485 have been apporoved and that i have been adimitted as a permenent residence to the United States since JUn 12 2006.
again i would liek to thank everyone for their help and support, without this forume it would have never happened, i wish good luck to the ones thata are still waiting, and am sure they will get through it, if i did, any one else will.

Congratulations, well deserved.

By the way, when you apply for naturalization, what do you think are your chances to face this name check thing again?

Interview:April 2005; 1447b:February 2006; Naturalized: May 2006