Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

PendingN400 said:
Here is a very important memo from USCIS that one can use in their 8 USC 1447(b) petitions as an exhibit. 4-25-06 background checks.pdf

This memo suggests not to conduct an interview unless name check is received, and claims that lawsuits filed under the pending name checks issue are ordered by courts back to USCIS for adjudications in timely fashion (which they claim they have been doing). Thus, if you have been interviewed, and it has been over 120 days, your lawsuit should produce results. It indicates that court itself never adjudicates though. This also removes any doubts on the crap dished out as "examination is a process and not an event (Danilov case)", as the wording and intent of 8 CFR 335 is made clear and accepted by USCIS.

Nice find! I was looking for it to include with my response to their answer to my lawsuit.

However, after I read it, I'm not sure if I wanna include it. That paragraph where they are talking about courts not approving applications is kinda bad. The one that says that they are gonna defend those cases isn't that good either. Although they maybe be trying to appear tough.

I'm still perplexed that nobody has told them to stop with the "national security" crap. Right there in this memo the guy says that some name checks take years to complete and a couple of paragraphs later he claims he is "confident that courts won't make desicions that frustrate national security" Aren't you friggin' making a decision that frustrates national security when you let people's name check last for years? You can't be on both sides of this as much as you try!

Here is the question... when somebody files a 1447b lawsuit and later dismisses it because the name check was expidited... is there a paper trail of that happening? I wanna have a few of those cases to show to the judge. I just wanna tell the judge to make USCIS and FBI finish the name check if he doesn't wanna make a decision on my case himself. (Just like the judge in Al-Kudesi case did)
greencard12 said:
hi, guys,

I need your help here. As I posted earlier, I filed WOM for AOS on April 6, 2006. Today I called district attorney. The guy who is handling my case informed me that he would file a motion to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. It looks like I have a bad luck. I am really depressed now. I have already been waiting for three years for the name check process to be completed.

I will definitely fight back. I have not got the motion yet. Guys, I really need your help. What will I suppose to do? Write a "counter-motion"? What things should I put on it?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Where did you file? Because Amir/Houston filed in Houston and he get the same response.
kenny485 said:
Where did you file? Because Amir/Houston filed in Houston and he get the same response.

If I remember correctly, Amir/Houston filed a 1447b case for his citizenship. There is a document on page 125 that deals with that issue for the citizenship cases.
rob waiter said:
congrats, qim!

I have some silly questions: did you have to personally go to the court to file the case? or you can mail everything to the court?

after your filing, did you get any reply from INS? how did you respond?

congrats again for your wonderful job!

(1) I didn't have to go to court but I chose to. In my District (Northern CA) I had a wide choice on how to file, including regular mail and electronic filing. For your particular situation, you need to read your local rules. I also believe that everyone (especially, beginners) should carefully read Publicus' instructions on how to file ("Steps to take to file a lawsuit"):

(2) I never heard from USCIS anything related to my 1447b petition. Actually, after filing, I didn't hear from anyone for about 57-59 days. For more detail, you can go to my "update" post here:

SyedNaqvi said:
Hi qim,
how did they prove you that they will process your petition within a month?

The "prove" was a wording in a "Stipulation to Dismiss", and it wasn't about my petition, it was about approval my original N-400 application. Similar way thing were for many previously, including Publicus, olgat, horiba, and others. You may wish to search this thread by member name to see the details.
Yousif in Houston

I called the US Attorney today. The conversation went as follows:

Yousif: I am calling to introduce myself to you … etc.
USAttny: Yes, Mr. Yousif, you are asking a judge to make you a US Citizen.
Yousif: Yes Sir I am.
USAttny: And how can I help you, you understand that I cannot just pick up the phone and ask the FBI to clear your name. They have to do the name check you know.
Yousif: Yes Sir I understand, but the problem is that I have been waiting for them for two years to do their Job and I have tried everything from contacting the USCIS multiple times to working with my congressional representative and now I have no other option but to seek relief in a court of law. I want to tip the odds in my favor and maybe get the USCIS to expedite my FBI name check before the case get to trial.
USAttny: I do not think that is possible, no one can do that.
Yousif: Sir, I believe I saw a congressional testimony somewhere with respect to this subject that indicates that USCIS can actually request the FBI to expedite. Further, I believe they can finish a name check in 48 hours if they want to.
USAttny: Can you refer me to that text of the congressional testimony?
Yousif: I don’t have it handy, but I will look it up and e-mail it to you.
USAttny: Let’s do that. We still have one month before we have to respond to you right?
Yousif: Yes Sir.
USAttny: Please understand that I will be representing the government and things won’t happen overnight.
Yousif: I understand.

That’s pretty much the gist of it. Any help advice can be greatly appreciated.


yousif said:
I called the US Attorney today. The conversation went as follows:

Yousif: I am calling to introduce myself to you … etc.
USAttny: Yes, Mr. Yousif, you are asking a judge to make you a US Citizen.
Yousif: Yes Sir I am.
USAttny: And how can I help you, you understand that I cannot just pick up the phone and ask the FBI to clear your name. They have to do the name check you know.
Yousif: Yes Sir I understand, but the problem is that I have been waiting for them for two years to do their Job and I have tried everything from contacting the USCIS multiple times to working with my congressional representative and now I have no other option but to seek relief in a court of law. I want to tip the odds in my favor and maybe get the USCIS to expedite my FBI name check before the case get to trial.
USAttny: I do not think that is possible, no one can do that.
Yousif: Sir, I believe I saw a congressional testimony somewhere with respect to this subject that indicates that USCIS can actually request the FBI to expedite. Further, I believe they can finish a name check in 48 hours if they want to.
USAttny: Can you refer me to that text of the congressional testimony?
Yousif: I don’t have it handy, but I will look it up and e-mail it to you.
USAttny: Let’s do that. We still have one month before we have to respond to you right?
Yousif: Yes Sir.
USAttny: Please understand that I will be representing the government and things won’t happen overnight.
Yousif: I understand.

That’s pretty much the gist of it. Any help advice can be greatly appreciated.



Congratulation man it looks like your case is going to be resolved. I hope same thing happens to my case since I am from Houston too.

RealSuperK said:
Nice find! I was looking for it to include with my response to their answer to my lawsuit..... (Just like the judge in Al-Kudesi case did)...

I would only use the memo against countering motions filed by DA. I am not sure if the original petition needs to include anything other than sample petitions drafts posted in this thread.

yousif said:
I called the US Attorney today. The conversation went as follows:

Yousif: I am calling to introduce myself to you … etc.
USAttny: Yes, Mr. Yousif, you are asking a judge to make you a US Citizen.
Yousif: Yes Sir I am.


Review an attatchment, its an official memo which explains the criteria to expedite the name check. Law suit is one of them.

Good luck
Are there anything out there that will show that the USCIS can ask the FBI to expedite and that the FBI can actually finish a name check in 48 hours?

ournyla said:
Review an attatchment, its an official memo which explains the criteria to expedite the name check. Law suit is one of them.

Good luck
yousif said:
Are there anything out there that will show that the USCIS can ask the FBI to expedite and that the FBI can actually finish a name check in 48 hours?

I guess its a testimony, I have saved it somewhere and now I am unable to find it myself but as soon as I find it I will post it. Check OIG report too they have detailed explaination about name check.
as always, the USCiS have no standards in doing one thing the same way, so just as they process th epeition different, they also deals with the court cases different, probably depending on what mod they are in, or i dont know, so it is not a surpise to see them resolving one cases very quickly, and raising the hell about other cases too.
but, what i have always said, and keep saying is that we have to be prepared for the fight before filing a case with the court.
Originally Posted by greencard12
hi, guys,

I need your help here. As I posted earlier, I filed WOM for AOS on April 6, 2006. Today I called district attorney. The guy who is handling my case informed me that he would file a motion to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. It looks like I have a bad luck. I am really depressed now. I have already been waiting for three years for the name check process to be completed.

I will definitely fight back. I have not got the motion yet. Guys, I really need your help. What will I suppose to do? Write a "counter-motion"? What things should I put on it?

so yes , you have to fight back, and they can file all the motions they want, and jursdiction is the easiest motion to defeat, all you have to do , is to look at the decisions, that have been made by the courts ruling, regarding the a case similar to yours( 1447, or i 485), and tell this lawyer, that he can not know more than these judge who have not only accepted th jusrsdiction, but also rendered a powerful judgement against what he is trying to defend.
Are there anything out there that will show that the USCIS can ask the FBI to expedite and that the FBI can actually finish a name check in 48 hours?

i have started that rumor about 48 hours, which am confident i have seen on some document, but unfortunatly i cant find, but the point is the USCIS do make expedit nam check, and whats important is that the statute obligated them to make a decision about a naturalization case within 120 days form the examination date and you and i should not , and are supposed to tell them how to do their job, they should go by the text of the statute, and that what all the court ruling have said, as far as a paper proof of them expediting the name check for some cases, is something you cant find easily, because this type of information is not only hard to get, but also, could be subjected to the prvacy laws, and that why the USCIS have been very smart in settleing this case before they get to court, so no one really what happen with the case, since it have been dismissed by the plaintiff, or they might even expedite the check, finish , adjusicate the case, and all they have to say is your case have been completed, so it wont easy for any one, specially some one who is not a lwyer to find out how or why these case have been approved, and dismissed before they get to trial, so my adive is that you should try to avoid these type of deragotarie, since you cant prove it, and it will be better for you ro stick the statute, its application, that have been reinforced, and validated by the far the report that say the UsCis can expedite the nam check, it is the dhs inspector general report, is available here somehwere on this forum,but if you need it , i will happy to post it on here again.
in short, be prepared , dont be cough in a moment of weakeness, and use all the document availbale here wisely, taht should get you what you want, particularly, the naturalization cases, these are as straight forward as the sun in a july sunny day, no one can miss it, no matter how hard the USCIS wanna play it, unless when there is other complication, like previous criminal history conviction, or some liek that.
please help

Hi guys,

My bf and I filed the case for 1447b on May08 for his name check problem of N-400 application in Dallas. Yesterday he got a letter from district court including the following forms. Please help us out.

1. Notice of Case assignment

2. Consent to Proceed before Unites Stattes Magistrate Judge
Question: The form need signiture from all parties in the case to consent, there is no way I can get signiture for defendents, how are we going to handle this?

3. Magistrate Referral
Quote: "PUrsuant to a Standing Order, certain civil suits are referred at teh time of the filing equally among magistrate judges. Therefore, the above-entitled action has been referred to:

Magistrate Judge: <Judge's name> "
Question: What is this referral for? And what is a Standing Order?

Thanks in advance for any help! I really appreciate it.
PendingN400 said:
Here is a very important memo from USCIS that one can use in their 8 USC 1447(b) petitions as an exhibit. 4-25-06 background checks.pdf

This memo suggests not to conduct an interview unless name check is received, and claims that lawsuits filed under the pending name checks issue are ordered by courts back to USCIS for adjudications in timely fashion (which they claim they have been doing). Thus, if you have been interviewed, and it has been over 120 days, your lawsuit should produce results. It indicates that court itself never adjudicates though. This also removes any doubts on the crap dished out as "examination is a process and not an event (Danilov case)", as the wording and intent of 8 CFR 335 is made clear and accepted by USCIS.
there you have it Yousif, these memo said that the result norally received in a few days, seem to me that this is as close to 48 hours, as availbale for now
PendingN400 said:
I would only use the memo against countering motions filed by DA. I am not sure if the original petition needs to include anything other than sample petitions drafts posted in this thread.

That's what I'm working on right now - a response to their answer where they claim that the delay is reasonable. I'm torn between not including it at all or including it with a paragraph that says that the name check can not be both unimportant enough to last for several years but yet important enough for "national security" concerns. If it is vital for national security reasons, it shouldn't last for years. If it's not that important, why put people through this kind of crap? Well, of course the wording will be a bit different though :)
how to find the similar court cases?

mohamedmohamed said:
jursdiction is the easiest motion to defeat, all you have to do , is to look at the decisions, that have been made by the courts ruling, regarding the a case similar to yours( 1447, or i 485), and tell this lawyer, that he can not know more than these judge who have not only accepted th jusrsdiction, but also rendered a powerful judgement against what he is trying to defend.

Mohamedmohamed, thank you so much. You made me feel much better now. I know I should be strong in this game. Just one question, how do I find the similar case in other courts (WOM for I485)? I have collected one or two from previous posts. thanks again.
WaitingInDallas said:
Hi guys,

My bf and I filed the case for 1447b on May08 for his name check problem of N-400 application in Dallas. Yesterday he got a letter from district court including the following forms. Please help us out.

1. Notice of Case assignment

2. Consent to Proceed before Unites Stattes Magistrate Judge
Question: The form need signiture from all parties in the case to consent, there is no way I can get signiture for defendents, how are we going to handle this?

3. Magistrate Referral
Quote: "PUrsuant to a Standing Order, certain civil suits are referred at teh time of the filing equally among magistrate judges. Therefore, the above-entitled action has been referred to:

Magistrate Judge: <Judge's name> "
Question: What is this referral for? And what is a Standing Order?

Thanks in advance for any help! I really appreciate it.
this doesnt really affect anything, and you are not required to get the deffendent singnature or concent, because he too have received a similar leter and he have to signe or express his unwillingness to do to the court.
assignement to te magistrat just , is a normal thing, the magistrat, is a judge that have been appointed recently, but have been finally approved as judge 'somewhat similar to a training period" but the case processing steps and guidline and quiality, is the same as if another judge is reciding over it, so you should signe the letter and return it.
WaitingInDallas said:
Hi guys,

My bf and I filed the case for 1447b on May08 for his name check problem of N-400 application in Dallas. Yesterday he got a letter from district court including the following forms. Please help us out.

1. Notice of Case assignment

2. Consent to Proceed before Unites Stattes Magistrate Judge
Question: The form need signiture from all parties in the case to consent, there is no way I can get signiture for defendents, how are we going to handle this?

3. Magistrate Referral
Quote: "PUrsuant to a Standing Order, certain civil suits are referred at teh time of the filing equally among magistrate judges. Therefore, the above-entitled action has been referred to:

Magistrate Judge: <Judge's name> "
Question: What is this referral for? And what is a Standing Order?

Thanks in advance for any help! I really appreciate it.

All the parties (Plaintiff and Defendants) receive these forms, you don't need to worry about getting the signature from defendants. If they agree with a Magistrate or not, is their business, and if they don't...the District Judge will be very unhappy, to bother with such a minor matter because of their stuburness.

Do not worry about this, is just a standard procedure, many cases are not judged by District Judges but by Magistrates, who are very well prepared and professional.
Sign your consent and send it back.

P.S. You have the option not to accept, but is causing delays, and more importantly, you don't want to aggravate the case you, eventually, will appear in front of him/her ;)
greencard12 said:
mohamedmohamed said:
jursdiction is the easiest motion to defeat, all you have to do , is to look at the decisions, that have been made by the courts ruling, regarding the a case similar to yours( 1447, or i 485), and tell this lawyer, that he can not know more than these judge who have not only accepted th jusrsdiction, but also rendered a powerful judgement against what he is trying to defend.

Mohamedmohamed, thank you so much. You made me feel much better now. I know I should be strong in this game. Just one question, how do I find the similar case in other courts (WOM for I485)? I have collected one or two from previous posts. thanks again.
these are few cases, look in the jusrdiction part, and look at the law numbers, the analysis, and the other cases that us being used in these cases a refrences, you can use those too, and sure there is some somehwere in this forume, you can find to, and pleas do us afavor, when you get that notion, poste it on here, so we all can look and point out the bad arguments in it.
good luck
mohamedmohamed said:
as always, the USCiS have no standards in doing one thing the same way, so just as they process th epeition different, they QUOTE]

Good advice. Thanks much. I think I may have jumped the gun by diverting into the expedite stuff :( . I’ll send him an e-mail and see what happens.