Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

OCT2005, this is for you.
All is correct except Emilio T. Gonzalez.
It should be:
Emilio T. Gonzalez
Director, USCIS
425 I Street NW,
Washington, DC 20536
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I’m in the same boat; I filed my lawsuit in Houston, Texas in early April. You shouldn’t let them bully you. I content that you need to study your stuff and promptly respond to the US Attny point to point, they have a very weak argument in my opinion. If you want to win this, you need to be prepared to go to court. I also believe that you can do this Pro Se, if you think that you cannot then I can refer you to an attorney.

Feel free to drop me a line on if you want to discuss your case with me, I’ll be happy to help, after all, I will probably get the same answer a few weeks down the road.


Amir/Houston said:
Hello everybody,

I don't know if you guys remember or not, I filled mine (1447) on 3/02/06 and I just received the answer via e-mail from US attorny. I think they denied because of lack of jurisdiction. I don't know what is the next step that I should take. I appreciate any advise.

Thanks :)

Defendants, through the United States Attorney, Answer Plaintiff’s Petition for Hearing on Naturalization Application, addressing the consecutively numbered paragraphs seriatim:


Paragraph 1 describes the nature of the action, to which no answer is required.

First numbered Paragraph 2 is admitted in part and denied in part. Defendants admit that Plaintiff ******, is a lawful permanent resident. Defendants are without sufficient knowledge to admit or deny Plaintiff Rahighi’s current address. Defendants admit that Plaintiff *** was interviewed concerning his Form N-400 naturalization application on July 11, 2005, and that no decision has been made on the application since that date.
#2. Second Paragraph 2 describes Defendant Alberto Gonzales to which no answer is required.

Paragraph 3 describes Defendant Michael Chertoff to which no answer is required.
Paragraph 4 describes Defendant Emilio Gonzalez to which no answer is required.
There is no Paragraph 5.
Paragraph 6 describes Defendant Sharon Hudson to which no answer is required.
Paragraph 7 describes Defendant Robert Mueller to which no answer is required.

Subject to Defendants’ First Affirmative Defense, jurisdiction over the subject matter of this suit is admitted.



One or more of the allegations in the Petition fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

kenny485 said:
OCT2005, this is for you.
All is correct except Emilio T. Gonzalez.
It should be:
Emilio T. Gonzalez
Director, USCIS
425 I Street NW,
Washington, DC 20536

Kenny485, thank you very much for your help!
needsolution said:
I have talked to an immigration attorney who used to be a US Attorney. She told me that this is pretty much the standard defense that US Attorney gives. They are taught to raise jurisdiction issues regardless of their arguments being valid or not. So when you are reading US Attorney's response, do not think of what they are saying is correct or not. They are taught to dispute everything, just as jurisdiction even if they are wrong and even if they know they are wrong.

Really, US Attorney's defense is basically just a sales presentation given by the US Attorney trying to convince the judge to either dismiss the case or rule in their favor, that is all.

Just like you are presenting your presentation to the judge to rule in your favor.

I just find the whole jurisdiction argument laughable. Courts all over the US hear these cases and find that they have jurisdiction, but nooooooooo, not the district court where Amir filed his complaint. That one is special!
Thank You Mohmmed

Thank You So Much For Your Answer And For That Usefull Link ..thank You.....
summon defendent address

Oct2005 and Kenny485,
I thought for employee of DHS, one should file with office of the General Consel. Here are the addresses I used:

Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General
U. S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Michael Chertoff
Secretary, Department of Homeland Security
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Emilio Gonzalez
Director, USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Robert S. Mueller
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20535-0001

breezyemily said:
Oct2005 and Kenny485,
I thought for employee of DHS, one should file with office of the General Consel. Here are the addresses I used:

Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General
U. S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Michael Chertoff
Secretary, Department of Homeland Security
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Emilio Gonzalez
Director, USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Robert S. Mueller
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20535-0001

I think you are definitely correct as per AILA. but I have seen in some posts and on PACER complaints it shows the Director USCIS as 425 I street. In any case what address will you put for the District director in your location? as he or she is an employee of DHS it should be Office of general counsel, but people put the local address.
I will put the local address for the local district director USCIS, and I agree with you on the above addresses.
Can someone verify if they mailed summons to Emilio Gonzalez and got it delivered with a retun receipt, and what address it was sent to?
breezyemily said:
Oct2005 and Kenny485,
I thought for employee of DHS, one should file with office of the General Consel. Here are the addresses I used:

Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General
U. S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Michael Chertoff
Secretary, Department of Homeland Security
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Emilio Gonzalez
Director, USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Robert S. Mueller
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20535-0001


Emily and Kenny485,
From what I read this thread, the summons for Chertoff and the Head of CIS must be sent to the Office of the General Counsel for DHS in DC. My observation is that most people used the local address for USCIS district director. Hope that would not cause any problem. Good luck!
I sent my summons for the DO Director to the local DO address. I think that's actually beneficial since they are the ones closest to the case.

Which is why - I think - I received a new fingerprinting notice from the DO Director two weeks after he received the summons.
Suzy977 said:
I don't want to gamble with your money, $350 plus other expenses, but I believe USCIS either is not going to respond to you, or you'll get a generic answer saying that your Name Check is pending...

It's only your call to wait or to file the lawsuit, like I've said, in my opinion their answer, if any, won't help you at all...but I don't want you to make a decision based on what I think...

The Name Check is done by NNCP an FBI branch.

G325 is the USCIS Biographic Information form. I really don't understand why she will make such a notation :confused:

Thanks Suzy! I am intending to file this Thursday.

Two brief questions: 1. I have seen some applications also include the departments as well as their directors. Is there any advantage in doing this?
2. Should CIA director be inculded? I was of the opiion till yesterday that I will not... now this G325 comment, which I think is mostly due to lack of the local agent's knowledge, made me unsure..

Best Regards
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Thanks for the help and advise evry one

I just want to say thank you every one for your help and support,

I believe according to rules , I don't need to file a respond since I automattically reject the DA answer. I read this in the pro se package.
I think , I have to wait for the judge to schedule a court date.

Thanks :)
Amir/Houston said:
I just want to say thank you every one for your help and support,

I believe according to rules , I don't need to file a respond since I automattically reject the DA answer. I read this in the pro se package.
I think , I have to wait for the judge to schedule a court date.

Thanks :)

Good luck. Keep us posted on the developments.

I'm supposed to recieve an answer early next week. Based on the phone conversation I had with the ADA last week, I think I'm gonna get the cookie cutter answer and probably I'm going to court too. I dare them to bring out the whole jurisdiction argument along with "we deny the violation of 8 USC 1446" stuff. The memo I got will make them look like they don't know what they are talking about in front of the judge. Besides, I happened to be present at the time of creation of my FBI file, so I'm sure the judge would love to hear what kind of nonsense prevents normal people like me from getting everything processed in time. For good measure, I'll also throw in something along the lines of "I don't understand how FBI can allow name checks to be pending for years if it's a matter of national security"
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Amir/Houston said:
I just want to say thank you every one for your help and support,

I believe according to rules , I don't need to file a respond since I automattically reject the DA answer. I read this in the pro se package.
I think , I have to wait for the judge to schedule a court date.

Thanks :)

You may want to show to make your residence clear (just make available documents to show that your reside there). When reading the memo you posted it left that impression on my as if they can not verify your address (it maybe an over-sight on mybehalf but you want to make sure).

Best Regards
sfaizullah said:
You may want to show to make your residence clear (just make available documents to show that your reside there). When reading the memo you posted it left that impression on my as if they can not verify your address (it maybe an over-sight on mybehalf but you want to make sure).

Best Regards

Well, I don't know what the hell is this address thing that they came up with.
On all my letters that I receive from ,CIS,FBI, congressman,senator and....etc, I had my address on them. I don't think so they need copy of my driver licence , phone bill, bank and credit card statement to verify my address+ Southern district of texas covers a buch of counties anyway.any way I will make copy of my driver licence bank stament, phone bill and other stuff and will file with court and sent copies to DA office. It sounds funny that they deny the jurisdiction because of my address thing. may be it is the formal thing that they do for all cases , just to say something.

Amir :)
lt1GM said:
I sent my summons for the DO Director to the local DO address. I think that's actually beneficial since they are the ones closest to the case.

Which is why - I think - I received a new fingerprinting notice from the DO Director two weeks after he received the summons.

For Director FBI did you use DG office address (as FBI is under DHS)? I see some folks are sending it to Edger J. Hoover building address.

Also, I don't know whther I should file in Trenton or Newark? I am in Middlesex county and believe Newark may be the right one.

Best Regards
When someone files the Mandamus lawsuit in I-485, does the court have jurscdiction over the case or USCIS? If someone knows the answer for sure, please inform.
brightstar said:
When someone files the Mandamus lawsuit in I-485, does the court have jurscdiction over the case or USCIS? If someone knows the answer for sure, please inform.

USCIS has jurisdiction over the Immigration case.
In a Writ of Mandamus case, the Plaintiff plea with the court to "force" USCIS to adjudicate the case in a certain time frame.
sfaizullah said:
Thanks Suzy! I am intending to file this Thursday.

Two brief questions: 1. I have seen some applications also include the departments as well as their directors. Is there any advantage in doing this?
2. Should CIA director be inculded? I was of the opiion till yesterday that I will not... now this G325 comment, which I think is mostly due to lack of the local agent's knowledge, made me unsure..

Best Regards

1. You can include you DO Director.

Hello all

Mohamed,Suzy, and all

I found this, I hope this helps everyone …..

the best to all of us, Just remember we are here to help each other
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